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Mixed integer optimization problem

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Sata 2012년 11월 1일
I wish to examine cantileverVolume.m and cantileverConstraints.m to see how the fitness and constraint functions are implemented. Are the complete codes for these two files available? Where can I find them?
Are my following definitions and examples correct?
a) Integer number means numbers without decimal points eg. -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3 etc
b) Real number is also called continuous number and is also called discrete number which means numbers with decimal points e.g -3.123, -2.123, 1.456, 2.456 etc

채택된 답변

Matt J
Matt J 2012년 11월 1일
편집: Matt J 2012년 11월 1일
a) Integer number means numbers without decimal points eg. -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3 etc
b) Real number is also called continuous number and is also called discrete number which means numbers with decimal points e.g -3.123, -2.123, 1.456, 2.456 etc
A real number is a number whos square is non-negative,
>> arealnumber=-3, (arealnumber)^2
arealnumber =
ans =
>> notarealnumber=i, (notarealnumber)^2
notarealnumber =
0 + 1.0000i
ans =

추가 답변 (1개)

Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss 2012년 11월 1일
If you have a recent version of Global Optimization Toolbox, these files are in your distribution. Enter
edit cantileverConstraints
to see the file.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
  댓글 수: 1
Sata 2012년 11월 6일
1) If you are using version MATLAB 2012b, please do me a favor to download cantileverVolume.m and cantileverConstraints.m by enter
>> edit cantileverVolume.m
>> edit cantileverConstraints.m
You can display the codes of these 2 files on the comments if they are not too long, otherwise, please do me a kind favour to e-mail me the files or give me the links to download.
2) What are the main differences between GA and real coded GA? Which GA is used in the global optimization toolbox?
3) What are imaginary values? how are they produced? how do these values affect my results?
4) How to stop the windows commands when the program iterates continuously or when the graph window keep popping up.

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