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sum in intervals from columns

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Annick 2020년 4월 2일
답변: Ameer Hamza 2020년 4월 2일
I would like to have an code that tells me how much time the subject spent in a certain position (0,1,2).
Currently I have written this code, which tells me how often the value is (0,1,2) but I don't know how to write a code which does what I am looking for.
N= ActivityCode1
Sed_idx= find(N(:,1)==0);
LPA_idx= find(N(:,1)==1);
MVPA_idx= find(N(:,1)==2)
Could you please help me?

채택된 답변

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza 2020년 4월 2일
This code add the intervals corresponding to activities 0,1, and 2. The final matrix is 3x1
t = readtable('Table1.txt');
t(end,:) = []; % last line is invalid
intervals = t.Interval;
activity = t.ActivityCode1;
result = accumarray(activity+1, intervals);

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