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Sort the rows of a table based on row entries in two columns of another table

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
I am trying to sort the rows in one table (Tright) based on the order in which the rows are present in another table (Tleft)
Tright ->
EndNodes_1 EndNodes_2 var1
__________ __________ _____________
{'1' } {'5' } 4
{'10'} {'3' } 1
{'2' } {'11'} 6
{'2' } {'8' } 2
{'3' } {'14'} 9
Tleft ->
EndNodes_1 EndNodes_2
__________ __________
{'1' } {'5' }
{'2' } {'8'}
{'2' } {'11' }
{'3' } {'14'}
{'10'} {'3' }
Expected output:
T =
EndNodes_1 EndNodes_2 var1
__________ __________ _____________
{'1' } {'5' } 4
{'2' } {'8' } 2
{'2' } {'11'} 6
{'3' } {'14'} 9
{'10'} {'3' } 1
I tried the following,
T = innerjoin(Tleft,Tright)
[~, index] = sort_nat(T.EndNodes_1);
T = T(index,:)
Obtained result:
T ->
EndNodes_1 EndNodes_2 var1
__________ __________ _____________
{'1' } {'5' } 4
{'2' } {'11'} 6
{'2' } {'8' } 2
{'3' } {'14'} 9
{'10'} {'3' } 1
Any suggestions on how to obtain the expected output will be really helpful.
ar = {'1' '10' '2' '2' '3'};
br = {'5' '3' '11' '8' '14'};
cr = [4 1 6 2 9];
Tright = table(ar',br',cr','VariableNames',{'EndNodes_1','EndNodes_2','var1'})
al = {'1' '2' '2' '3' '10'};
bl = {'5' '8' '11' '14' '3'};
Tleft = table(al',bl','VariableNames',{'EndNodes_1','EndNodes_2'})
T = innerjoin(Tleft,Tright);
[~, index] = sort_nat(T.EndNodes_1);
T = T(index,:)

채택된 답변

Samatha Aleti
Samatha Aleti 2020년 2월 25일
According to my understanding you are trying to arrange the table “Tright” columns in the order of table ‘”Tleft”.
You can use “ismember” to do this as follows:
EndNodes_1 = {'1';'10';'2';'2';'3'};
EndNodes_2 = {'5';'3';'11';'8';'14'};
var1 = [4; 1; 6; 2; 9];
Tright = table(EndNodes_1, EndNodes_2, var1)
t1= table(EndNodes_1, EndNodes_2);
EndNodes_1 = {'1';'2';'2';'3';'10'};
EndNodes_2 = {'5';'8';'11'; '14';'3'};
Tleft = table(EndNodes_1, EndNodes_2)
t2 = Tleft;
[Lt2,Loct1] = ismember(t2, t1, 'rows');
Tright = Tright(Loct1,:)

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