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Words as x axis?

조회 수: 50 (최근 30일)
Monica Rochnowski
Monica Rochnowski 2020년 2월 1일
댓글: Monica Rochnowski 2020년 2월 1일
Hello, I'm using MatLab for my cs class in college, it's an intro class and I know close to nothing about coding.
I would like to make a graph of x and y values, I understand that part, with numbers though.
My x values are i guess words instead of numbers, how do I represent that?
Thank you!

채택된 답변

BN 2020년 2월 1일
편집: BN 2020년 2월 1일
First, you can create Words
Words = {'word_one'; 'word_two'; 'word_three'};
then plot what ever you want, and after plot part:
Further, you can read Label x-axis.
If you want to rotate Words after doing this, as I can predict, it you can read this documentation: xtickangle
  댓글 수: 4
Star Strider
Star Strider 2020년 2월 1일
No worries!
Monica Rochnowski
Monica Rochnowski 2020년 2월 1일
You guys are both awesome! Thank you so much!

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