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How to customize Smithchart results with multiple data

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Bas 2019년 12월 20일
댓글: Bas 2020년 1월 9일
Hi all,
I would like to customize the data in the smithchart when using the smithplot function, where for example some data is dashed and other is solid.
My method was using the same method as you'd normally do with a normal plot, like down below
hold on
However, when using this method it changes all of the data to the last linestyle, instead of keeping the original linestyle. Using the property editor also gives the same results. Data in the form of S-parameters and normal matrix data were tried.
I also tried working with objects, where the results of smithplot were stored in an object, but no luck there.
I am wondering whether there is a method to customize data when plotting it on a smithchart, without adjusting the rest of the data, or has MATLAB not integrated this in yet?

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Maadhav Akula
Maadhav Akula 2019년 12월 31일
편집: Maadhav Akula 2019년 12월 31일
I think you would have to use the LineStyle Property to achieve your required output.
From your code I am assuming that you want to plot (Frequency1,data1) with a solid line and (Frequency2,data2) with a dashed line. You can try the following code:
h = smithplot(Frequency1,data1,Frequency2,data2);
h.LineStyle = {'-','--'};% '-' - SolidLine; '--' - DashedLine
Or you can also change the LineStyle directly from the UI itself.
The following link might be helpful:
Hope this helps!
  댓글 수: 3
Maadhav Akula
Maadhav Akula 2020년 1월 8일
You have to use the ColorOrder property, try the following:
h.ColorOrder = {'r','b'};
The following link might be helpful:
Bas 2020년 1월 9일
Yes, this worked. Thank you!

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