How can I open multiple bin files from one folder with uigetfile command?
조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
Here is the code for one file.
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.bin', 'Drohnenmessdatei auswahlen');
if isequal(filename, 0)
disp('User selected ''Cancel''')
disp(['Datei ausgewahlt: ', fullfile(pathname, filename)])
datei=dir(fullfile(pathname, filename));
dateigroesse_bytes= round(dateigroesse_bytes/72);
fileID = fopen(filename);
bool_var_a_da = exist ('a', 'var')
if(bool_var_a_da == 0)
a =1;
I tried with
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.bin', 'Select file','MultiSelect','on');
but it doesnt work.
댓글 수: 0
답변 (2개)
Walter Roberson
2019년 12월 5일
When you use multiselect in uigetfile, then you need to use something like
if isnumeric(filename)
disp('User selected ''Cancel''');
if ~iscell(filename)
filename = {filename};
This is because if the user only selected one file, then what is returned is the character vector of the file name, but if the user selected more than one, then what is returned is a cell array of character vectors.
Instead of the second if that I show there, you can just code
filename = cellstr(filename);
cellstr() leaves the input as-is if it is already a cell array, but converts the input to cell array of character vectors if the input is character.
댓글 수: 2
Walter Roberson
2019년 12월 5일
Is there more to the error message? What triggers that message? At the moment it looks like a problem in the internal code. Which operating system are you using, and which MATLAB version are you using?
2019년 12월 9일
댓글 수: 2
Walter Roberson
2019년 12월 9일
if isnumeric(filename)
disp('User selected ''Cancel''');
filename = cellstr(filename);
fullnames = fullfile(pathname, filename);
numfiles = length(fullnames);
output = cell(1, numfiles);
dateigroesse_bytes = zeros(1, numfiles);
for K = 1 : numfiles
thisfile = filenames{K};
datei = dir(thisfile);
dateigroesse_bytes(K) = datei.bytes;
dateigroesse_bytes(K) = round(dateigroesse_bytes(K)/72);
fileID = fopen(thisfile);
bool_var_a_da = exist ('a', 'var');
if (bool_var_a_da == 0)
a =1;
Zeitstempel = zeros(dateigroesse_bytes(K),6);
now do something to calculate a result and store it in outputs{K}
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