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How do I call a function handle with an vector - rather than a list of arguments

조회 수: 12 (최근 30일)
JP  Hadden
JP Hadden 2019년 11월 20일
댓글: JP Hadden 2019년 11월 26일
I was wondering how to call a function handle with an vector of inputs - rather than the list of aguments.
So if I have a function handle which is defined: (I guess it will be clear that I am working on fitting functions here)
fitFunctionHandle = @(a1, wG1, x1,a2, wG2, x2, c, x)(FitGaussianFn(x, [a1, 0, wG1, x1]) +FitGaussianFn(x, [a2, 0, wG2, x2]) + c
And I have an vector of inputs to hand to it
a1Init = 1
wG1Init = 2
x1Init = 3
a2Init = 4
wG2Init = 5
x2Init = 6
a2Init = 7
x = 8
%startPoint = [a1Init, wG1, x1,a2, wG2, x2, c]
inputArray = [a1Init, wG1, x1,a2, wG2, x2, c, x]
How do I call it with the vector startPoint as the input. If I try (for example)
I get an Error:
Not enough input arguments.
That makes sense since it is expecting 8 inputs rather than a 8 element vector - but I'm wondering whether there is a way of calling it like that. I think for example in python you can convert an array to a list or something.
I'm aware that I could simplify things in this example case where I have a list of known inputs so I could just do:
fitFunctionHandle(a1Init, wG1, x1,a2, wG2, x2, c, x)
fitFunctionHandle(inputArray(1),inputArray(2),inputArray(3,inputArray(4), inputArray(5), inputArray(6),inputArray(7),inputArray(8))
BUT! I guess I'm trying to allow for expansion where I don't know how many arguments there would be.
For bonus points (again since I'm working on fitting functions) - It would be cool to know how to call it when x is a vector as well. I suspect that I would be doing something like
arrayfunc(fitFunctionHandle([startPoint,x]), xVector)
Thanks in advance for your help.

답변 (1개)

Stephen23 2019년 11월 20일
편집: Stephen23 2019년 11월 20일
Easy: first define a cell array:
C = {a1Init, wG1, x1,a2, wG2, x2, c, x};
and then use a comma-separated list:
Read more:
"For bonus points (again since I'm working on fitting functions) - It would be cool to know how to call it when x is a vector as well"
The sizes of the input arguments makes no difference to a comma-separated list. But I suspect that you should be parameterizing your function properly:
  댓글 수: 1
JP  Hadden
JP Hadden 2019년 11월 26일
Thanks for your help.... That got me quite far along the way.... What I came up with in the end was...
inputArgCell{length(inputArgCell)+1} = xData;
yDataInitialGuess = fitFunction(inputArgCell{:});
As you say it seems like the fitFunction can handle the startingpoint guesses being each 1x1, and the xData being 1xN. (or maybe Nx1).
I'm not sure I fully understand the parameterizing suggestion.
I am basically attempting to define a multi peak fit function to pass to Matlab's nonlinear fit function. The fit function is sort-of bolted together from several other functions in string format - which is then evaluated as a function handle. Probably there are better ways to do it - but I was trying to make it fairly general - eg to allow different types of fit function, and different numbers of peaks - and this is what I've come up with for now...
If I'm being dumb - and I fully expect there are better ways - then let me know.

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