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Graphing Base Form of y=mx+b from a .csv file

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Nathan Rivard
Nathan Rivard 2019년 10월 15일
편집: Adam Danz 2019년 10월 16일
I have a few thousand equations in y=mx+b form that I have acquired from hundreds of thousands of data points in multiple excel files. They are all trendlines of similar T-s data. I am attempting to create generalized trendlines of similar data types and I would like to be able to select formulas in y=mx+b form that I would like plotted, and then find the formula for the LOBF (Line of best fit) for that set of equations. I am new to MatLab and would just like some assistance in this.
  댓글 수: 9
Nathan Rivard
Nathan Rivard 2019년 10월 15일
The data was already imported through the import data tool and is sitting in a table of variables in MatLab. I got rid of the first column of numeric data as well but I will continue work onto tomorrow and post an update. Thank you for the help
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2019년 10월 15일
편집: Adam Danz 2019년 10월 16일
That info is helpful. If you're reading it in as a table and you already got rid of the first column, the first line of my solution will be
numVals = regexp(data{:,:},'[+-]?\d+\.?\d*', 'match');
% ^^^^^ add this
Alternatively, if you hadn't removed the first column, you could have done,
numVals = regexp(data{:,2:end},'[+-]?\d+\.?\d*', 'match');
% ^^^^^^^^^
The rest of my solution will be the same.

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Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2019년 10월 15일
I'm assuming you've read the data into Matlab and you've got a cell array of strings or character arrays named "data" that appears like this:
data =
3×6 cell array
Columns 1 through 3
{'y = 2.3297x + 1…'} {'y = 1.8866x + 1…'} {'y = 0.3373x + 1…'}
{'y = 1.9526x + 9…'} {'y = 1.7754x + 9…'} {'y = 2.774x + 68…'}
{'y = 1.9004x + 9…'} {'y = 1.9833x + 8…'} {'y = 3.1304x + 6…'}
Columns 4 through 6
{'y = 3.584x + 69…'} {'y = 2.1044x + 6…'} {'y = 0.0704x + 6…'}
{'y = 3.0042x + 6…'} {'y = 2.3015x + 5…'} {'y = 0.1415x + 6…'}
{'y = 3.1099x + 6…'} {'y = 2.466x + 60…'} {'y = 0.2486x + 6…'}
Execute these two lines below to extract the slope and intercept values from each string.
numVals = regexp(data,'[+-]?\d+\.?\d*', 'match');
mb = cellfun(@str2double, numVals, 'UniformOutput', false);
mb is a cell array the same size as "data" and contains the [slope,intercept] of each cell element.
mb =
3×6 cell array
{1×2 double} {1×2 double} {1×2 double} {1×2 double} {1×2 double} {1×2 double}
{1×2 double} {1×2 double} {1×2 double} {1×2 double} {1×2 double} {1×2 double}
{1×2 double} {1×2 double} {1×2 double} {1×2 double} {1×2 double} {1×2 double}
For example, for the equation in data(2,3), the slope and intercept are
ans =
2.774 68.856
To draw a regression line on a plot use refline()
  댓글 수: 6
Nathan Rivard
Nathan Rivard 2019년 10월 16일
Ok one more thing and I will 100% accept it. I would like the average of the slopes and the average of the intercepts seperately as none of the slopes are negative and they are all remotely close together
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2019년 10월 16일
Continuing from the mb cell array in my answer,
allSlopes = cellfun(@(x)x(1),mb); %matrix of all slopes in mb
allInt = cellfun(@(x)x(2),mb); %matrix of all intercepts in mb
meanSlope = mean(allSlopes(:));
meanYint = mean(allInt(:));

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