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How to load specific image extension from specific path directory MATLAB ?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Najwa Samlan
Najwa Samlan 2019년 9월 6일
댓글: Najwa Samlan 2019년 9월 7일
Hi. How can I load all image that has png,jpeg and jpg extension in a specific path directory by using push button ?
Someone please help me.

답변 (1개)

chandrapal Singh
chandrapal Singh 2019년 9월 6일
Create a Pushbutton and use the following code
img_directory= dir(path);
total_images= length(img_directory)-2;
for i=3:length(img_directory)
im= imread(strcat(path,'\',img_directory(i).name));
im=imresize(im, [512 512]);
  댓글 수: 3
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019년 9월 6일
See also https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/478309-facing-difficulty-in-converting-a-matlab-function-to-c-code#comment_742361 for why using dir results that way is wrong
Najwa Samlan
Najwa Samlan 2019년 9월 7일
sorry but I dont get it. Can you show an example on how to solve this problem ?
my path is : C:\Users\HP\Downloads\FYP REFERENCES\DATASET
and image extension that I would like to choose is either .JPG, .JPEG or .PNG only.
so how can code this into push button function?

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