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조회 수: 67 (최근 30일)
ssk 2019년 8월 22일
댓글: Kenta 2019년 9월 9일
リンクではインプットレイヤーのサイズが28×28×1、始めのconvolution layerのサイズが3×3, フィルタ数8、スライド2となり、次の層にいくとフィルタ数が倍(16)となっていき最終的にフィルタ数32で終了しているかと思います。(convolution layerが合計3つあります。)
この場合、たとえばconvolution layerを二つフィルタ数を16で終了しても問題ないでしょうか。それともconvolution layerのフィルタ数が必ずインプットレイヤーのサイズを超えなければいけないなどの決まりがあるのでしょうか。
また、たとえばより大きなinput layerのサイズ(300×300×3)の場合、始めのconvolution layerのサイズが3×3, フィルタ数8、スライド2となり、次の層ではconvolution layerのサイズが3×3, フィルタ数16、スライド2、あとはfully connected layerにつなぐなどのアプローチもできるのでしょうか?それともフィルタ数を倍々にしていき、512としてinput layerのサイズを超えなければならないのでしょうか。
  댓글 수: 6
ssk 2019년 9월 8일
편집: ssk 2019년 9월 8일
Kenta 2019년 9월 9일
また、「既定では、畳み込み層と全結合層の重みの初期値は、平均 0、標準偏差 0.01 のガウス分布からランダムに生成されます。初期バイアスは既定で 0 に等しくなります。」とあります。https://jp.mathworks.com/help/deeplearning/ug/setting-up-parameters-and-training-of-a-convnet.html

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채택된 답변

Dinesh Yadav
Dinesh Yadav 2019년 8월 26일
The purpose of convolution operation in images is to preserve spatial information and features. The size and stride of the filter determines how well you want to preserve the spatial information. For example, a 3x3 filter with stride one will contain more finer information than 3x3 with stride 2. Similarly, a 3x3 filter contains more spatially correlated information than a 5x5 filter.
Now the purpose of strided convolutions or max pooling after convolutions is downsizing the image and reducing the size of input for the neural network to reduce computations while preserving information.
Now coming to how to choose number of filters. As you have observed the size of image halves, but number of filters gets doubled. It is a general thumb rule, not a hardcoded rule. You can experiment by changing number of filters.
But let’s say I have 40x40x128 matrix and I must downsize it to 20x20, so what is the best way to preserve the information? To preserve the information, we increase the number of filters to 256. Even in this operation you will observe that for next step we have only half the computations as compared to previous step. If you can display the feature maps as heatmaps you can observe the features corresponding to an object in the original image.
  댓글 수: 3
Dinesh Yadav
Dinesh Yadav 2019년 8월 27일
I doubt just using 12 or 16 filters would help your cause. Kindly go through some famous convolutional neural network architectures like AlexNet, VGG16/19, GoogLeNet etc to get more indepth idea. The minimum I have seen is 32 or 64 filters in the first layer itself. However if you want to reduce the third dimension i.e lets say 40x40x256 to 40x40x128 there is a technique of using 1x1 convolutions. In this example you will use 1x1x256 filter and 128 such filters. If you choose 64 such filters the output will be 40x40x64. But then again reducing the third dimension too much can lead to loss of information. Read more about 1x1 convolutions and see how it can fit your cause.
ssk 2019년 8월 29일
Hi, Dinesh!
Thanks for your reply. I would try deeper filter.

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