How to use matlab function to fill or label the previous or next column cells with respect to certain column of of a matrix with a number (3)

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
As clear from figure, this is my M-matrix.
With respect to 2nd colum, in first colum, the 3rd row or 4th row i.e horizentally, i want to fill with 3 i.e. horizentally or diagonally.
similarly in 3rd column, i want to fill 3rd row or 4th rows same like above procedure.
% i want in each colum to have closing ie. startring 3 and then closing 3 i.e. the last one. Thanks for all coopeation. Warm regrads
question to ask.jpg

채택된 답변

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2019년 8월 4일
Try imdilate() -- it's a local max filter.
se = [0,0,0;1,1,1;1,1,1]
outputMatrix = imdilate(inputMatrix, se);
  댓글 수: 6
M.S. Khan
M.S. Khan 2019년 8월 14일
Image Analyst, thanks for giving idea. i want this coding as dynamic. i dont apply or metion colums 1 or 2 or 3. i want to handle it as general rows and columns.
plz help me how to apply it on a matrix.
i applied it but its giving me problem ie. out of bounds.
could you plz help how to sort it out.
% Create sample data.
m = zeros(11, 3);
% Set a few locations (7) to 3
randomLocations = randperm(numel(m), 7);
m(randomLocations) = 3
% Now we have our matrix and we can begin.
[rows, colms] = size(m);
mOut = m; % Initialize
for row = 2 : rows
for colm = 1:colms
% Check column 1
if m(row-1, colm+1) == 3
mOut(row, colm) = 3
% Check column 2
if m(row-1, colm) == 3 || m(row-1, colm+2) == 3
mOut(row, colm+1) = 3
% Check column 3
if m(row-1, colm+1) == 3
mOut(row, colm+2) = 3
mOut % Print to command window

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