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Is there a way to export/save a matlab 3D figure so that a 3rd party can view it with the rotation enabled without using Matlab?

조회 수: 53 (최근 30일)
Is there a way to export/save a matlab 3D figure so that a 3rd party can view it with the rotation enabled without using Matlab?
  댓글 수: 2
dpb 2019년 7월 26일
As a figure, probably not...it's proprietary format and the interface is all built into the MATLAB window functionality.
Best I can think of would be to export the data to create the figure in some form the user can do...
There are some Toolboxen for compiled apps for distribution and some runtime components available...if this is a real need, probably ought to check with TMW Sales Support and see if they have solution.

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답변 (2개)

Maadhav Akula
Maadhav Akula 2019년 7월 29일
You can use the Application Compiler in MATLAB to build a standalone application, which ensures that the 3rd party (who doesn’t have MATLAB) can also view the 3D Figure. But in your case the 3rd party has to install MATLAB Runtime (which is packaged along with the standalone application). The link below explains on how to build a standalone application :-
Hope this helps!

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019년 7월 29일
편집: Walter Roberson 2019년 7월 30일
  댓글 수: 9
Mukund 2020년 12월 25일
It's really an important aspect of file conversion. Request to mathworks team to provide inbuilt solution for ease of using Matlab.

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