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Shift Register implementation using Simulink

조회 수: 8 (최근 30일)
Kiran Chandrashekhar
Kiran Chandrashekhar 2011년 4월 3일
편집: Ralf Zaeper 2019년 3월 4일
I am trying to implement a model to calculate the CRC of the Received Bit Vector.
Please suggest me the technique how can we implement a shift Register with some initial content.
Regards Kiran

채택된 답변

Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind 2011년 4월 4일
You should be able to implement this using cascaded Unit Delay blocks. Program the "initial conditions" for the blocks with the desired initial output.

추가 답변 (2개)

timo 2016년 9월 25일
I am also interested in this Can someone share an example with the unit delay blocks ?

Ralf Zaeper
Ralf Zaeper 2019년 3월 4일
편집: Ralf Zaeper 2019년 3월 4일
Attached a simple two level shift register in Simulink. Switch and memory blocks make up Kaustubha's suggested cascaded approach. A random number is captured at given trigger times, here generated every four steps, and shifted through the two stages.
The scope shows overall step counter, the two shift level contents and the trigger signal.


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