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Equality and inequality constraint

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Rendra Hakim hafyan
Rendra Hakim hafyan 2019년 5월 21일
편집: Matt J 2019년 5월 21일
Dear All,
Currently, I am doing an integrated biorefinery process of two chemical production.
This is my objective function
p(1) = -(21655.11+61.8*x(1)-906.31*x(2)+9.34*x(2)^2)-(5924.55 -2.16*x(1)...
+ 142.75*x(3)+ 0.42*x(1)*x(3)- 0.0648*x(1)^2-0.911*x(3)^2); %% NPV
p(2) = (278.15+2.30*x(1)-6.38*x(2)+0.017*x(1)*x(2)-0.008*x(1)^2+0.075*x(2)^2)...
-(6.62+0.036*x(1)+0.21*x(3)+0.00016*x(1)*x(3)-0.00012*x(1)^2-0.0012*x(3)^2); %%TDI
p(3) =(9906.56+1660.70*x(1)-345.99*x(2)+0.941*x(1)*x(2)+0.1776*x(1)^2+3.13*x(2)^2)...
+(44362.18+25.12*x(1)^2+15.214466275*x(3)^2); %% GWP
function [c,c_eq] = constraints(x)
c = [14.22-0.54*x(2)+0.003*x(1)*x(2)+0.005*x(2)^2-10;...
-40.52-0.022*x(1)+1.03*x(3)+0.0032*x(1)*x(3)-0.0067*x(3)^2-15]; %% This is a constraint of demand
c_eq = [(((14.22-0.54*x(2)+0.003*x(1)*x(2)+0.005*x(2)^2)/x(2))*100)-(((40.52-0.022*x(1)+1.03*x(3)+0.0032*x(1)*x(3)-0.0067*x(3)^2)/x(3))*100)- (0.3*x(1))]; %% Then this is constraint of Total glucose consumption
I encounter a difficulty to run my model as it only shows single dot solution. would you like to check whether there is a mistake on my model?
  댓글 수: 2
Matt J
Matt J 2019년 5월 21일
편집: Matt J 2019년 5월 21일
We need to see what optimization solver you ran, and how you did so.
As a preliminary remark, though, the fact that you have a nonlinear constraint probably means you ran fmincon, but your objective function returns 3 results p1,p2,p3 instead of only one, so it is not clear what exactly you are minimizing.
Rendra Hakim hafyan
Rendra Hakim hafyan 2019년 5월 21일
편집: Matt J 2019년 5월 21일
Ah sorry. I run the MOO using genetic algorithm
Objective function
Maximize p1
Minimize p2 & p3
actually, I got two inequality constraint which were for demand constraint and one equality constraint for glucose consumption where two processes must be equal 30% of x1 (I already stated there)
This is my maind code.
% Optimize with gamultiobj
options = optimoptions('gamultiobj','Display','iter',...
fitness =@Biorefinery;
nvars = 3;
LB = [50 49 76];
UB = [100 56 82];
ConsFcn =@constraints;
[x,fval] = gamultiobj(fitness, nvars,[],[],[],[],LB,UB,ConsFcn,options);
% Plot results
pareto front
xlabel('NPV ($Million)');
zlabel('GWP (kg CO2-eq)');

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