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Error ordinal not found for exe obtained from the compiler

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Alberto Urban
Alberto Urban 2019년 5월 17일
댓글: Alberto Urban 2019년 8월 1일
I have a problem with an exe created with the compiler.
When I run the exe file created with the compiler I get the error: "Impossibile trovare l'ordinale 4739 nella libreria di collegamento dinamico D:\HD\Programmi\MATLAB\R2019a\bin\win64\libmwflcertificates.dll". The error says that the ordinal 4739 is not found in the library libmwflcertificates.dll.
Until I used the R2018a version I found no problems, while the error occurred creating the executable with the new R2019a version.
If the executable is launched on another PC with only the runtime v9.6 installed, the error does not occur. On my pc I have already tried to uninstall Matlab and install only the runtime and also to install both the runtime and Matlab.
Searching I found only in the manual of the Compiler the part that speaks of the error "The ordinal #### could not be located in the dynamic-link library dforrt.dll", but it doesn't seem to concern my problem.
Does anyone have any idea how to solve?
My pc has windows 10.
Thank you.
  댓글 수: 4
Guillaume 2019년 5월 17일
No, nothing to do with the redistributable. Also nothing to do with the dll itself. That ordinal is too high, so it looks like something went wrong during the compilation.
Alberto Urban
Alberto Urban 2019년 5월 17일
I tried the example in the compiler manual:
"There is MATLAB code for an example, hello.m, included in the
<matlab>\extern\examples\compiler directory. To verify that the MATLAB
Compiler can generate stand-alone applications on your system, type the
following at the MATLAB prompt.
mcc -m hello.m"
The creation of the hello.exe executable occurred without problems.
However, when I run hello.exe it always returns the same error.
Running it on another PC, with only the runtime installed, works as expected.

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채택된 답변

Alberto Urban
Alberto Urban 2019년 5월 31일
Thanks to the assistance the problem has been solved: the problem was the libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll files present in: C:\Windows\system32. I replaced those files with those in the Matlab installation folder and the problem was solved.
  댓글 수: 3
weicheng Xu
weicheng Xu 2019년 8월 1일
Your problem is exactly the same with me. But it confused me a very very long time. Thank you again!
Alberto Urban
Alberto Urban 2019년 8월 1일
You're welcome! It's a satisfaction to help others whenever possible ;-)

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