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How can I display live data in MATLAB from external sensors connected through arduino?

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
I am currently working on a project that is using a displacement sensor and a load cell to take measurement from a surgical tools that puts electrodes in the brain. A huge part of the project is that I have live/real-time data being shown as the sensors are being used. The code I am using was written in MATLAB and is using an arduino support package. I want to be able to not only show the graph of real-time data, but also show the numerical value as well. Both sensors give a voltage output, which needs to be converted to the displacement, force and speed. I want to extract the data from the sensors as they are in motion, feed it through the arduino into a MATLAB code that will produce a graph that will work in real-time. So far, in terms of the progress, the code that I have outputs a graph that shows the change in voltage as time goes on (which is a good first step). My questions are as follows:
  1. how can I convert the voltage data into the displacment, force, and speed data that I want, and show that on the graph in real-time? (i have special equations that can convert to these numbers, I just dont know how to implement them into the code).
  2. how can I display a numerical value in real time in addition to the graph? (i.e. I want to show the graph changing, but also have something that says "force= , displacement= , speed= and shows the real-time data and changes as the sensors change)
Here is the code that I have :
%User Defined Properties
a = arduino('Com4'); % define the Arduino Communication port
plotTitle = 'Real-Time Data Log';
xLabel = 'Elapsed Time (s)';
yLabel = 'Voltage (V)';
legend1 = 'Displacement Sensor';
legend2 = 'Load Cell';
yMax = 10; %y Maximum Value
yMin = 0; %y minimum Value
plotGrid = 'on'; % 'off' to turn off grid
min = 0; % set y-min
max = 3; % set y-max
delay = .01; % make sure sample faster than resolution
%Define Function Variables
time = 0;
data = 0;
data1 = 0;
data2 = 0;
count = 0;
%Set up Plot
plotGraph = plot(time,data,'-r' );
hold on %hold on makes sure all of the channels are plotted
plotGraph1 = plot(time,data1,'-b');
hold on
% plotGraph2 = plot(time, data2,'-g' );
legend(legend1)% legend(legend1,legend2,legend3)
axis([yMin yMax min max]);
while ishandle(plotGraph) %Loop when Plot is Active will run until plot is closed
dat = readVoltage(a,'A0'); %* 0.48875855327; %Data from the arduino
dat1 = readVoltage(a, 'A1'); %* 0.48875855327;
% dat2 = a.analogRead(4)* 0.48875855327;
count = count + 1;
time(count) = toc;
data(count) = dat(1);
data1(count) = dat1(1);
% data2(count) = dat2(1)
%This is the magic code
%Using plot will slow down the sampling time.. At times to over 20
%seconds per sample!
% set(plotGraph2,'XData',time,'YData',data2);
axis([0 time(count) min max]);
%Update the graph
disp('Plot Closed and arduino object has been deleted')

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