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How to supply user gradient in simultaneous fitting with lsqcurvefit

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Pas 2019년 1월 21일
편집: Walter Roberson 2019년 1월 23일
xdata={[1 3 5 7]' [5 7 9 11]' [9 11 13 15]'};
y={[10 11 12 13]' [10 11 12 13]' [10 11 13]'};
yy = vertcat(y{:});
%variables v(1:4) are m, c1, c2, c3
fn = @(v,xdata) [v(1).*xdata{1} + v(2); v(1).*xdata{2} + v(3); v(1).*xdata{3} + v(4)];
x0 = [1; 10; 9; 8];
fitvars = lsqcurvefit(fn,x0,xdata,yy);
Based on the above code snippet example is there any way that we can tell lsqcurvefit to use user supplied gradients for each function?

답변 (2개)

John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2019년 1월 21일
편집: John D'Errico 2019년 1월 21일
This problem is linear in the parameters. Supplying the gradient is a waste of time. In fact, using lsqcurvefit is a waste of time too, since you could solve the problem using backslash.
But since lsqcurvefit will differentiate the problem itself, and since the derivatives of a linear function are rather trivial to estimate exactly, lsqcurvefit will work adequately well. Just far more slowly than you could have done it using backslash.
If you want to supply the gradients for some reason, like you think lsqcurvefit is not doing sufficiently well, don't bother. If you think it too slow, then you need to learn to formulate the problem for solution using backslash. The funny thing is, that the gradient that you wanted to learn to supply to lsqcurvefit is the same array that you need to generate to use backslash.
As far as actually writing any code, I would point out that you have 11 values in xdata, and 12 in y. So nothing you do will really work here.
  댓글 수: 3
John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2019년 1월 21일
It is often true that analytical gradients do not improve either speed OR accuracy. People seem to deceive themselves into thinking this will be an improvement, yet it rarely really helps. Very often, the gradient computation itself takes more time to compute than multiple calls to the objective, so there is little speed gain. As well, tiny errors in the gradient from a well chosen finite difference approximation, as long as they do not result in a non-descent direction, are not a problem.
The error of too many output arguments is something I cannot resolve, since I do not have your code. You have not written the code so it runs porperly. The fix is to write proper code. Sorry. That may seem trite, but how can I say it better?
Pas 2019년 1월 21일
편집: Walter Roberson 2019년 1월 23일
I am sorry for my mistake thank you form moving it appropriately. The reason i believe it will offer a benefit is that in simple cases when a single function is used with the gradient the total function evaluations are an order of magnitude less than when central finite differences, (CFD) are used.Specifically for the simplified version of my code shown below when I use the Jacobian I get (1132 Fcounts vs 10179 Fcounts with CFD and a speed up for a single core of ~20%. But when i run problem2 with 'SpecifyObjectiveGradient',true I get the following error:
Error using vertcat, Too many output arguments.
Error in @(m,xdata)[fun1(m,xdata(1:19,1));fun1(m,xdata(20:end,1))]
Error in lsqcurvefit (line 213)
[initVals.F,initVals.J] =
Error in fmultistart Error in MultiStart/run (line 268)
Caused by:
Failure in initial objective function evaluation. LSQCURVEFIT cannot continue.
Failure in call to the local solver with supplied problem structure.
Any ideas?
% Clear temporary variables & Workspace
clear all;clc
% Xdata
% Ydata
yk= [(-0.0001:-0.0001:-0.0009),(-0.001:-0.001:-0.01)]';
% For this example i am using the same data twice
% Lower and Upper bounds
lb=[-6 -12 -12 -12];
ub=[6 12 12 12];
l1 = lb(1);
u1 = ub(1);
l2 = lb(2);
u2 = ub(2);
l3 = lb(3);
u3 = ub(3);
l4 = lb(4);
u4 = ub(4);
% Create a handle for the objective(s) function
% Create an array of the data respective functions
fun= @(m,xdata)[fun1(m,xdata(1:19,1))];
% This works only with Central Differences no User Gradients
fun2= @(m,xdata2)[fun1(m,xdata2(1:19,1));fun1(m,xdata2(20:end,1))];
runs=100; %24*41667 = 1M random Quadruples (my rig has 24 cores)
rng(9) % for reproducibility
M = zeros(runs,4);
% Create uniformly distributed bounded random starting points
m01 =(unifrnd(l1,u1,1,runs));
m02 =(unifrnd(l2,u2,1,runs));
m03 =(unifrnd(l3,u3,1,runs));
m04 =(unifrnd(l4,u4,1,runs));
m0=[m01' m02' m03' m04'];
pts = m0;
tpoints = CustomStartPointSet(pts);
pts = list(tpoints);
% Provide Options and Create the Multistart Problem
options = optimoptions('lsqcurvefit','Algorithm','trust-region-reflective',...
problem = createOptimProblem('lsqcurvefit','x0',m0start,'objective',fun,...
problem2 = createOptimProblem('lsqcurvefit','x0',m0start,'objective',fun2,...
ms = MultiStart('StartPointsToRun','all','UseParallel',false,'Display','off');
% Call the Optimization and Store the possible Minima and respective Function Values
[mbest,errorbest,exitflag,Fcount,soln] = run(ms,problem2,tpoints);
function [icell,J]=icellT(m,nin)
icell=1.*((5753448039979137964463181271138304.*10.^m1.*10.^m2.*10.^m4.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2).*((3060513257434037./1125899906842624).^((1802042270621195.*n)./35184372088832) - 1))./((3060513257434037./1125899906842624).^((1802042270621195.*n)./140737488355328).*(5244825130281784884355015968292864.*(3060513257434037./1125899906842624).^((1802042270621195.*n)./70368744177664).*(10.^m3...
+ (2.*10.^m1.*10.^m3.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2))./20265 + (2.*10.^m1.*10.^m2.*10.^m4.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2))./(20265.*10.^m3)) + 5244825130281784884355015968292864.*10.^m4 + (7764359926397905084167307132928.*10.^m1.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2).*(10.^m2 + 10.^m4))./15)));
if nargout>1
- 1))./((3060513257434037./1125899906842624).^((1802042270621195.*n)./140737488355328).*(5244825130281784884355015968292864.*(3060513257434037./1125899906842624).^((1802042270621195.*n)./70368744177664).*(10.^m3 ...
+ (2.*10.^m1.*10.^m3.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2))./20265 + (2.*10.^m1.*10.^m2.*10.^m4.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2))./(20265.*10.^m3)) + 5244825130281784884355015968292864.*10.^m4 ...
+ (7764359926397905084167307132928.*10.^m1.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2).*(10.^m2 + 10.^m4))./15)) ...
- (4990320691382279.*10.^m1.*10.^m2.*10.^m4.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2).*((3060513257434037./1125899906842624).^((1802042270621195.*n)./70368744177664).*((864160113899737.*10.^m1.*10.^m3.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2))./3802726935360962560 ...
+ (864160113899737.*10.^m1.*10.^m2.*10.^m4.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2))./(3802726935360962560.*10.^m3)) + (864160113899737.*10.^m1.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2).*(10.^m2...
+ 10.^m4))./3802726935360962560).*((3060513257434037./1125899906842624).^((1802042270621195.*n)./35184372088832) - 1))./(4549160640446464.*(3060513257434037./1125899906842624).^((1802042270621195.*n)./140737488355328).*((3060513257434037./1125899906842624).^((1802042270621195.*n)./70368744177664).*(10.^m3...
+ (2.*10.^m1.*10.^m3.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2))./20265 + (2.*10.^m1.*10.^m2.*10.^m4.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2))./(20265.*10.^m3)) + 10.^m4 + (2.*10.^m1.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2).*(10.^m2 + 10.^m4))./20265).^2));
- 1))./((3060513257434037./1125899906842624).^((1802042270621195.*n)./140737488355328).*(5244825130281784884355015968292864.*(3060513257434037./1125899906842624).^((1802042270621195.*n)./70368744177664).*(10.^m3 ...
+ (2.*10.^m1.*10.^m3.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2))./20265 + (2.*10.^m1.*10.^m2.*10.^m4.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2))./(20265.*10.^m3)) + 5244825130281784884355015968292864.*10.^m4 ...
+ (7764359926397905084167307132928.*10.^m1.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2).*(10.^m2 + 10.^m4))./15)) - (4990320691382279.*10.^m1.*10.^m2.*10.^m4.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2).*((3060513257434037./1125899906842624).^((1802042270621195.*n)./35184372088832)...
- 1).*((864160113899737.*10.^m1.*10.^m2.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2))./3802726935360962560 + (864160113899737.*(3060513257434037./1125899906842624).^((1802042270621195.*n)./70368744177664).*10.^m1.*10.^m2.*10.^m4.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2))./(3802726935360962560.*10.^m3))...
(1802042270621195.*n)./70368744177664).*(10.^m3 + (2.*10.^m1.*10.^m3.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2))./20265 + (2.*10.^m1.*10.^m2.*10.^m4.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2))./(20265.*10.^m3))...
+ 10.^m4 + (2.*10.^m1.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2).*(10.^m2 + 10.^m4))./20265).^2));
J(:,3)=1.*(-(4990320691382279.*(3060513257434037./1125899906842624).^((1802042270621195.*n)./70368744177664).*10.^m1.*10.^m2.*10.^m4.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2).*((3060513257434037./1125899906842624).^((1802042270621195.*n)./35184372088832) ...
- 1).*((2592480341699211.*10.^m3)./1125899906842624 + (864160113899737.*10.^m1.*10.^m3.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2))./3802726935360962560 ...
- (864160113899737.*10.^m1.*10.^m2.*10.^m4.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2))./(3802726935360962560.*10.^m3)))./(4549160640446464.*(3060513257434037./1125899906842624).^(...
(1802042270621195.*n)./140737488355328).*((3060513257434037./1125899906842624).^((1802042270621195.*n)./70368744177664).*(10.^m3 + (2.*10.^m1.*10.^m3.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2))./20265 ...
+ (2.*10.^m1.*10.^m2.*10.^m4.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2))./(20265.*10.^m3)) + 10.^m4 + (2.*10.^m1.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2).*(10.^m2 + 10.^m4))./20265).^2));
J(:,4)=1.*((13247803690171774509280495290233856.*10.^m1.*10.^m2.*10.^m4.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2).*((3060513257434037./1125899906842624).^((1802042270621195.*n)./35184372088832) ...
- 1))./((3060513257434037./1125899906842624).^((1802042270621195.*n)./140737488355328).*(5244825130281784884355015968292864.*(3060513257434037./1125899906842624).^((1802042270621195.*n)./70368744177664).*(10.^m3 ...
+ (2.*10.^m1.*10.^m3.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2))./20265 + (2.*10.^m1.*10.^m2.*10.^m4.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2))./(20265.*10.^m3)) ...
+ 5244825130281784884355015968292864.*10.^m4 + (7764359926397905084167307132928.*10.^m1.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2).*(10.^m2 + 10.^m4))./15)) ...
- (4990320691382279.*10.^m1.*10.^m2.*10.^m4.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2).*((3060513257434037./1125899906842624).^((1802042270621195.*n)./35184372088832) ...
- 1).*((2592480341699211.*10.^m4)./1125899906842624 + (864160113899737.*10.^m1.*10.^m4.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2))./3802726935360962560 ...
+ (864160113899737.*(3060513257434037./1125899906842624).^((1802042270621195.*n)./70368744177664).*10.^m1.*10.^m2.*10.^m4.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2)...
(1802042270621195.*n)./70368744177664).*(10.^m3 + (2.*10.^m1.*10.^m3.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2))./20265 + (2.*10.^m1.*10.^m2.*10.^m4.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2)...
)./(20265.*10.^m3)) + 10.^m4 + (2.*10.^m1.*3853.^(1./2).*20265.^(1./2).*(10.^m2 + 10.^m4))./20265).^2));

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

Torsten 2019년 1월 21일
편집: Torsten 2019년 1월 21일
From the documentation:
If the Jacobian can also be computed and the Jacobian option is 'on', set by
options = optimoptions('lsqcurvefit','SpecifyObjectiveGradient',true)
then the function fun must return a second output argument with the Jacobian
value J (a matrix) at x.
By checking the value of nargout, the function can avoid computing J when fun
is called with only one output argument (in the case where the optimization
algorithm only needs the value of F but not J).
function [F,J] = myfun(x,xdata)
F = ... % objective function values at x
if nargout > 1 % two output arguments
J = ... % Jacobian of the function evaluated at x
If fun returns a vector (matrix) of m components and x has n elements,
where n is the number of elements of x0, the Jacobian J is an m-by-n matrix
where J(i,j) is the partial derivative of F(i) with respect to x(j).
(The Jacobian J is the transpose of the gradient of F.)
For more information, see Writing Vector and Matrix Objective Functions.
  댓글 수: 9
Torsten 2019년 1월 22일
편집: Torsten 2019년 1월 22일
Pass all the information to "fun" needed to build I and J for your specific purpose.
In the case above, the call to "driver" could be e.g.
fun = @(p,xdata) driver(p,xdata(1:19,1),fun1,xdata(20:end),fun2)
which would indicate that xdata(1:19,1) is to be evaluated with fun1 (a function handle) and xdata(20:end) is to be evaluated with fun2 (maybe a different function handle).
Pas 2019년 1월 23일
Thank you very much Torsten, I will try it.

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