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Having trouble compiling uigetfile function

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Kokalz 2012년 7월 18일
Hello everyone! I created a GUI that has a feature to import and get data from an Excel file. To do that i used uigetfile function. When I compile it,the process goes without any errors and I can launch the .exe file without any problems. So far so good. But when I press my load button and choose the xls file I want to load nothing happens. I can see the file in choose file window and when I hit OK, nothing changes. It seems like compiler forgot to include some uigetfile files or something. I tried it on 2 different computers with 2 different guis and the problem is always the same. Any ideas how to fix it? In main files of compiler I choose .m file, in other files I put my .fig file with the gui layout and .jpg file with gui background picture. Thank you!
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Sebastian Holmqvist
Sebastian Holmqvist 2012년 7월 18일
What does the console say? Any errors?
Kokalz 2012년 7월 18일
no,the console does not give any errors and the program runs without any problems if I run it from .m script

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Sebastian Holmqvist
Sebastian Holmqvist 2012년 7월 18일
It always works for me. It could be that you only call
filename = uigetfile('*.xls','Select your file');
Instead, you should call
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.xls','Select your file');
to make sure the whole file path is included. Then open your file with
file = xlsread([pathname filename])
to incorporate the file whole path.
  댓글 수: 3
Kokalz 2012년 7월 18일
Thanks a lot guys! The xlsread function works now. Everything works very well in .m file, but the .exe file will not build the graph from the excel values. Here's the code I've got:
function updateAxes(hObject, eventdata, handles)
xColNum = get(handles.popupmenuX, 'value');
yColNum = get(handles.listBox, 'value');
fileName = handles.fileName;
pathName = handles.pathName;
[x, y] = readExcelColumns(pathName, fileName, xColNum, yColNum);
plot(handles.axes1, x, y)
grid on;
Did I reference the xls wrong there?
Kokalz 2012년 7월 18일
Nevermind, it was just some bug with my laptop,everything works well now. Thank you so much for your help!

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