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I have a code for data acquisition n plotting from one sensor how do write the code for three sensors such that I plot three graphs of different color in same figure

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
clear all
close all
a = arduino();
tmax = 50;
grid on,
title('pulse sensor Analog Voltage Real Time Data Graph')
xlabel ('Time (s)'), ylabel('Voltage');
axis([0 tmax+1 -0.5 5.5]);
k = 0;
v = 0;
t = 0;
while toc<= tmax
k = k + 1;
v(k) = readVoltage(a,'A0');
t(k) = toc;
if k > 1
line([t(k-1) t(k)],[v(k-1) v(k)]);
  댓글 수: 3
anil simsek
anil simsek 2020년 5월 6일
I have Arduino code, I want to draw it instantly in matlab. Can you help me
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020년 5월 7일
The frameworks people have posted should work, provided that you do not need more than about 40 Hz. (But I do recommend animatedline() instead of continually doing line())

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

채택된 답변

madhan ravi
madhan ravi 2018년 12월 25일

추가 답변 (2개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018년 12월 25일
line() can accept a 'color' option.
However, it is inefficient to draw a line between every pair of points. You should look at animatedline() which permits you to addpoints()

Amit Kadarmandalgi
Amit Kadarmandalgi 2018년 12월 25일
clear all
close all
a = arduino();
tmax = 50;
grid on,
title('pulse redings')
xlabel ('Time (s)'), ylabel('Voltage');
axis([0 tmax+1 -0.5 5.5]);
c= 0;
v= 0;
t = 0;
while toc<= tmax
c = c + 1;
v(c) = readVoltage(a,'A0');
w(c) = readVoltage(a,'A1');
x(c) = readVoltage(a,'A2');
t(c) = toc;
if c > 1
line([t(c-1) t(c)],[v(c-1) v(c)],'color','blue');
hold on
line([t(c-1) t(c)],[p(c-1) p(c)],'color','red');
hold on
line([t(c-1) t(c)],[k(c-1) k(c)],'color','green');


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