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pts3 = H*[pts1;ones(1,n)];

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
amrin shaikh
amrin shaikh 2018년 10월 5일
댓글: KSSV 2018년 10월 5일
Error using * Inner matrix dimensions must agree. Here H is array but I do not understand the meaning of [pts1;ones(1,n)] can any one guide me what does it mean.
and as per matrix multiplication m1[r1,c1] and m2 [r2,c2] then c1 and r2 must match otherwise error should get generated otherwise continue matrix multiplication I want to add this line please help me in it.
Thank you in advance

답변 (1개)

KSSV 2018년 10월 5일
[r1,c1] = size(m1) ;
[r2,c2] = size(m2) ;
if c1~=c2
error('m1 and m2 cannot be multiplied')
fprintf('m1 and m2 can be multiplied\n')
m12 = m1*m2 ;
  댓글 수: 2
amrin shaikh
amrin shaikh 2018년 10월 5일
Here H is array but I do not understand the meaning of [pts1;ones(1,n)] can you guide me what does it mean
KSSV 2018년 10월 5일
In the above line two different arrays are joined/ concatenated. pts1 is one array and ones(1,n) is an array which has n 1's.

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