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Rotate 3d with multiple figures bug

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
D G 2012년 6월 27일
편집: Sven van Berkel 2014년 2월 6일
I have a GUI with several axes on screen. Two of them display logo images and one displays a 3d preview of a certain scenario. The preview can be rotated using the mouse. Whenever the preview is clicked on, all three of the axes become rotatable. This severely slows down the rotation.
We are already passing the handle to the rotate3d function (i.e. rotate3d(handle, 'on')).
How can this be prevented?

답변 (1개)

Sven van Berkel
Sven van Berkel 2014년 2월 6일
편집: Sven van Berkel 2014년 2월 6일
I had the same problem before. The post is somewhat old, but I'll post anyway the solution for the case somebody else will encounter the problem.
h = rotate3d;
ax1 = subplot(1,2,1);
ax2 = subplot(1,2,2);
Working in this way resolved this problem in my case!


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