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the problem with loop

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
juveria fatima
juveria fatima 2018년 9월 12일
마감: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021년 8월 20일
test1 images and reference images imagedb exceeds 6 mb size so i couldn't attach the image for test you can take any images for test
the problem is am getting only surface roughness 1 is displayed
am unable to get the rest surface roughness
test1=imread('D:\HD\Images\5 0.75 30\5 0.75 30 4.bmp');
imagedb{1}=imread('D:\HD\Images\5 0.75 30\5 0.75 30 1.bmp');
imagedb{2}=imread('D:\HD\Images\5 1.25 30\5 1.25 30 1.bmp');
imagedb{3}=imread('D:\HD\Images\10 0.25 30\10 0.25 30 1.bmp');
imagedb{4}=imread('D:\HD\Images\10 0.75 30\10 0.75 30 1.bmp');
imagedb{5}=imread('D:\HD\Images\10 0.75 50\10 0.75 50 1.bmp');
imagedb{6}=imread('D:\HD\Images\15 1.25 30\15 1.25 30 1.bmp');
for x=1:6
%rg{1}=imresize(g{1},[20 20]);
%rgtest=imresize(gtest,[20 20]);
%for i=1:20
% for j=1:20
% end
for i=1:6
dist{i}= (1/6) * (sum((g{i} - gtest)) );
if dist{i}< min
case 1
fprintf('The Surface Roughness Is 2.403\n');
case 2
fprintf('The Surface Roughness Is 3.22\n');
case 3
fprintf('The Surface Roughness Is 1.595\n');
case 4
fprintf('The Surface Roughness Is 2.236\n');
case 5
fprintf('The Surface Roughness Is 2.125\n');
case 6
fprintf('The Surface Roughness Is 1.055\n');
%Dist1 = (1/6)*(sum((g1(:).* g2(:) );
%Dist2 = (1/6)*(sum((g1(:).* g3(:) );
%Dist3 = (1/6)*(sum((g1(:).* g2(:) );
  댓글 수: 2
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018년 9월 12일
histeq() with one parameter is only valid for intensity (grayscale) images, and in that case returns the equalized grayscale image. You record that in eq{x}. But why do you rgb2gray() that, since you can be sure it is already gray?
juveria fatima
juveria fatima 2018년 9월 12일
yeah ok that i will change ,please help me with the loop

답변 (1개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018년 9월 12일
You have
dist{i}= (1/6) * (sum((g{i} - gtest)) );
where g{i} is a grayscale version of an image that was resized to 256 x 256 and then histogram equalized. Therefore g{i} will be a 2D array, 256 x 256. When you sum g{i}-gtest you are summing over the first dimension and will get a 1 x 256 result. dist{i} is therefore 1 x 256.
You then have
if dist{i}< min
but remember dist{i} is a 1 x 256. When you < a 1 x 256 against a scalar, you get a 1 x 256 result. When you if a vector, the result is considered true only if all entries are non-zero, so your test is equivalent to if all(dist{i} < min) . And perhaps that only ever happens for i == 6 -- the other i values might lead to vectors in which some of the entries are less than the minimum but not all of them are.
Your code does not promise that index will be set at all. You only set index conditionally, and it could be the case that none of the conditions match.

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