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How to use for loop to generate spectral line

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Mohamad Khairul Ikhwan Zulkarnain
Hi guys, I already created a code to put all my data in one array which is shown below:
% creating a multidimensional array
files = dir('*txt') ; % you are in the folder with text files
N = length(files) ;
names = {files(:).name}' ;
iwant = cell(N,1) ;
for i = 1:N
iwant{i} = importdata(files(i).name) ;
And from that data I able to create 20 more new wavelength from any element that i chose and the code is in different file and it shown below:
A = input('Please enter an element in form of iwant{i}:');
% find the number of samples
n = length (A(:,1));
% step change for the wavelength
step = 0.02;
% wavelength which is at the centre
p = A(:,1);
% to make new wavelength for each of wavelength in the samples
for j=1:n
new_wavelength(j,:) = p(j)-step*10:step:p(j)+step*10;
format shortG
Now from the data created i need to make a spectral line. I be able to create one peak from each row present in the new wavelength code but when I want to make two or more peak (which is more than one row selected) I cant make it and it give me the result which will be attached and the coding for it is as below:
j = input('Please input the row:');
i = input('Please input number for element:');
int_fact= 0.00001.*iwant{i}(j,2)
denominator = Delta_lambda/2; % this is a constant
K=21; % the upper limit of the loop magic number
numerator = new_wavelength(j,11)-new_wavelength(j,1:K); % vectorize to have 21 elements
Peak_1 = int_fact.*1./(1+(numerator/denominator).^2);
hold on
Is there any way for me to make more than one peak in one plot. maybe using for loop will work but I dont know how to do it bcs I try numerous time and it still wont work and it kept giving me dimension mismatch.
  댓글 수: 2
KALYAN ACHARJYA 2018년 8월 28일
The question should be concise.
Mohamad Khairul Ikhwan Zulkarnain
I just explaining the situation. The thing that i cant get is how should I create a spectral line with many peak?

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