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Do I purchase Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox separately from MATLAB license?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
I have a customized GUI to analyse data that I obtained from someone. I get an error when I try to execute a task in the GUI saying "tdfread is not included in your installed products. These products offer 'tdfread': Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox"
Is this something I need to purchase separately from the MATLAB + Signal Processing Toolbox license I currently have?
Thanks, Krista

답변 (2개)

Bernhard Suhm
Bernhard Suhm 2018년 7월 31일
Rik is correct. But you can get a trial by going to the statistics and machine learning product page .

Tom Lane
Tom Lane 2018년 10월 12일
There may be other options. If the GUI author can work with you, you may be able to replace use of tdfread by a newer core MATLAB function such as readtable or textscan.


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