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How to use fitrgp in Simulink?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Adan91h 2018년 7월 4일
편집: Adan91h 2018년 7월 4일
Can anyone tell me how to use fitrgp command in MATLAB Simulink?
i tried the following code in simulink within MATLAB function block but i'm receiving error.
if true
% code
myinput = [rand(100,1) rand(100,1)];
myoutput= rand(100,1);
% opts = statset('fitrgp');
% opts.TolFun = 1e-2;
sigma0 = 1e-5;
sigmaF0 = 1e-5;
d = 2;
sigmaM0 = 1e-2*ones(d,1);
% GPMdl = rand(100,1);
GPMdl = fitrgp(myinput,myoutput,'Basis','constant','FitMethod','exact',...
Error message is '' Function output 'GPMdl' cannot be an mxArray in this context. Consider preinitializing the output variable with a known type.''
i tried to define the GPMdl initially like
if true
% code
myinput = [rand(100,1) rand(100,1)];
myoutput= rand(100,1);
% opts = statset('fitrgp');
% opts.TolFun = 1e-2;
sigma0 = 1e-5;
sigmaF0 = 1e-5;
d = 2;
sigmaM0 = 1e-2*ones(d,1);
% GPMdl = rand(100,1);
GPMdl = fitrgp(myinput,myoutput,'Basis','constant','FitMethod','exact',...
but still i receive the above error.
when i predefine GPMdl like GPMdl = rand(100,1) which is wrong because fitrgp output is 1x1 RegressionGP class / metaclass.
if true
% code
myinput = [rand(100,1) rand(100,1)];
myoutput= rand(100,1);
% opts = statset('fitrgp');
% opts.TolFun = 1e-2;
sigma0 = 1e-5;
sigmaF0 = 1e-5;
d = 2;
sigmaM0 = 1e-2*ones(d,1);
GPMdl = rand(100,1);
GPMdl = fitrgp(myinput,myoutput,'Basis','constant','FitMethod','exact',...
then i receive the following error
MATLAB expression 'fitrgp' is not numeric.
Block GPMdl (#1160) While executing: State During Action
thanks in advance!

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