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Define multiple starting points for two-exponential curve fitting (Curve Fitting Toolbox)

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
I have a set of data on which I need to use the two-exponential decay model 'exp2' from the Curve Fitting Toolbox. When I attempted to call the "fit" function ( f=fit(xCol,yCol,'exp2','StartPoint',[maxX,maxY])), MATLAB told me I needed 4 starting points for this model. What is the proper syntax for specifying these? I tried:
f=fit(xCol,yCol,'exp2','StartPoint',[maxX1,maxY1,maxX2,maxY2,maxX3,maxY3,maxX4,maxY4])), but MATLAB told me I had too many start points.
Thanks in advance!

채택된 답변

Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2018년 7월 26일
If you're fitting a 2-term exponential model such as
f2(x) = a*exp(b*x) + c*exp(d*x)
you'll need 4 starting points (a,b,c,d). In your examples above, you provide 2 and 8 starting points. Your formatting them correctly into a vector but you just need 4 of them.
For more info, see the section " Fit a Two-Term Exponential Model ".

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