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I am trying to use the fsolve function to solve a non linear equation .In the function i created all the constants are matrices.and i expect a vector of the unknown.I keep getting error of not enough input argument.Iwould much appreciate your help.

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
function F = TRIAL3(x, V1,W1 ,W, w, z, Z1,Z, p, p1, q1, q, c1, V, v, j)
a=x(1); r = x(2); s = x(3); b=x(4); g = x(5); d = x(6); h = x(7);
F = [(V1*((c1- W*r - Z*s)+(p*b- W*r*b^2 -Z*s*b.^2 - j*d*b) +(q*g- W*r*g^2- Z*s*g.^2 - j*h*g)))-1*a- a*b^2 - a*g.^2;
(W1*((c1- V*a - Z*s)+(p*b- V*a*b^2 -Z*s*b.^2 - j*d*b) +(q*g- V*a*g^2 - Z*s*g.^2 - j*h*g)))-1*r- r*b^2 - r*g.^2;
(Z1*((c1- V*a- W*r)+ (p*b- V*r*b^2 -W*r*b.^2 - j*d*b) +(q*g- V*a*g^2 - W*r*g.^2 - j*h*g)))-1*s- s*b^2 - s*g.^2;
(inv(a'*v*V*a + a'*v*W*r +a'*v*Z*s + r'*w*V*a + r'*w*W*r+ r'*w*Z*s + s'*z*V*a+ s'*z*W*r +s'*z*Z*s)*(p1*V*a+ p1*W*r + p1*Z*s -a'*v*j*d - r'*W'*j*d +s'*Z'*j*d))-b;
(inv(a'*v*V*a + a'*v*W*r +a'*v*Z*s + r'*w*V*a + r'*w*W*r+ r'*w*Z*s + s'*z*V*a+ s'*z*W*r +s'*z*Z*s)*(q1*V*a+ q1*W*r + q1*Z*s -a'*v*j*h - r'*W'*j*h +s'*Z'*j*h))-g;
(0.2*p1*j - 0.2*a'*v*j*b - 0.2*r'*w*j*b - 0.2*s'*z*j*b)- d;
(0.2*q1*j - 0.2*a'*v*j*b - 0.2*r'*w*j*g - 0.2*s'*z*j*g)- h];
%below is my call function;
fun=@TRIAL3; Xo=[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]; X=fsolve(fun,Xo)
%my error message Error using TRIAL3 (line 5) Not enough input arguments.
Error in fsolve (line 217) fuser = feval(funfcn{3},x,varargin{:});
Caused by: Failure in initial user-supplied objective function evaluation. FSOLVE cannot continue.

채택된 답변

Torsten 2018년 6월 12일
fun = @(x)TRIAL3(x, V1,W1 ,W, w, z, Z1,Z, p, p1, q1, q, c1, V, v, j);
Xo = [1 1 1 1 1 1 1];
X = fsolve(fun,Xo)
  댓글 수: 9
Honey Adams
Honey Adams 2018년 6월 12일
I think it worked. Thank you so much. May I have your email address if you don't mind. You saved me after a week of trying to read soo many Matlab previous questions. I am glad for your assistance.
Honey Adams
Honey Adams 2018년 6월 14일
Hello Tornsten,I would like to implement this same nonlinear equation with genetic algorithm.I keep getting not enough input argument,I would be glad if you could assist.Thanks for your time.

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