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Skipping the column header from textread

조회 수: 16 (최근 30일)
Matt Rulli
Matt Rulli 2018년 4월 15일
답변: Gabriel Felix 2020년 5월 24일
I'm importing data from a text file with a list of names, but I need to skip the column header that says "FirstName".
list = textread(names.text,'%s %*s')' % skips second column and translates from column vector to row vector
How do I tell MATLAB to skip the header? In other words, I need textread to skip the first row in the list.

답변 (2개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018년 4월 15일
'headerlines', 1
Note: textread() is not recommended. It has been considered obsolete for years.
  댓글 수: 3
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018년 4월 15일
fid = fopen(filename, 'rt');
listcell = textscan(fid, '%s %*s', 'headerlines', 1);
list = listcell{1};
However I would suggest
fid = fopen(filename, 'rt');
listcell = textscan(fid, '%s%*[^\n]', 'headerlines', 1);
list = listcell{1};
This would read to end of line and skip that. The %*s you used would only skip to the end of the first non-whitespace.
Matt Rulli
Matt Rulli 2018년 4월 15일
Walter.... You are an angel walking amongst mere mortals! Thank you, sir!!

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Gabriel Felix
Gabriel Felix 2020년 5월 24일
I had to use \n at the end of each line. Without it I couldn't make textscan() work properly, even thoug the "HeaderLines" was configured according to the text file lines. This was the only solution I found after struggling with the code for an intire day.
This was the text:
! alfa (graus) = 5.0
! Id. x/s z/s alfai cl c*cl/cmed cdi cmc/4
! (graus)
1 .246 .050 -1.209 .255 .332 .00538 .0170
2 .292 .150 -1.098 .259 .319 .00496 .0545
3 .339 .250 -.925 .254 .297 .00410 .0944
4 .385 .350 -.741 .243 .268 .00315 .1341
5 .432 .450 -.561 .227 .235 .00223 .1714
6 .479 .550 -.393 .206 .199 .00141 .2034
7 .525 .650 -.238 .181 .163 .00075 .2266
8 .572 .750 -.101 .152 .126 .00027 .2362
9 .619 .850 .014 .116 .089 -.00003 .2236
10 .659 .938 .103 .074 .052 -.00013 .1693
! CL asa = .208
! CDi asa = .00258
! e (%) = 88.9
! CMc/4 asa = .1339
My code:
%! alfa (graus) = 5.0
P = textscan(fid,'! alfa (graus) = %f','Delimiter',' ','MultipleDelimsAsOne',true,'headerLines',2,'CollectOutput',1);
alpha(1) = P{1};
%! CL asa = .208
P = textscan(fid,'! CL asa = %f\n','Delimiter',' ','MultipleDelimsAsOne',true,'CollectOutput',1,'headerLines',4+n);
CL(1) = P{1};
%! CDi asa = .00258
P = textscan(fid,'! CDi asa = %f\n','Delimiter',' ','MultipleDelimsAsOne',true,'CollectOutput',1,'headerlines',0);
CDi(1) = P{1};
%! CMc/4 asa = .1339
P = textscan(fid,'! CMc/4 asa = %f','Delimiter',' ','MultipleDelimsAsOne',true,'CollectOutput',1,'HeaderLines',2);
Cmc4(1) = P{1};


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