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How to index a matrix using the ITERATION values of a valArray with non-consecutive numbers?

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Hi everyone, New to matlab here and I can't seem to find a previous answer to this question.
I'm trying to populate a matrix element by element using a for loop, but I'm running into a problem. Because of the way I need it to load in the data, I have the subject numbers listed in a valArray for the for loop. This works fine for loading, but when I try to index the matrix, it puts it the value in the element of the actual VALUE of the number, whereas I want it to be in the element of the iteration number it represents. Here's what I have:
for s = [1297 1304]
for b = 1:2
GE_byblock(b)= GE_pos(1);
LE_allsubs_avg(s) = mean(LE_byblock);
LE_allsubs_std(s) = std(LE_byblock);
GE_pos_allsubs_avg(s) = mean(GE_byblock);
GE_pos_allsubs_std(s) = std(GE_byblock);
So what I want is for the value I have produced for subject 1297 to go in element ONE of the LE_allsubs_avg matrix and the value for subject 1304 to go in element TWO of the allsubs matrix, etc. But what I get is the value for subject 1297 going into element 1297 of the allsubs matrix. Any way I can remedy this, or do I have to make a new loop somehow with i=1:number of subjects?
Additionally, I have previously in the code initialized all the matrices to their correct sizes.
Thanks so much- any help is greatly appreciated!!!

채택된 답변

Kelly Kearney
Kelly Kearney 2018년 1월 3일
There are two ways you could do this. One is to use an index value corresponding to the length of your s values:
s = [1297 1304]
for is = 1:length(s)
% ... code here, replacing previous s with s(is)
LE_allsubs_avg(is) = ...
Alternatively, you could add a counter variable:
count = 1;
for s = [1297 1307]
% code here
LE_allsubs_avg(count) = ...
count = count + 1

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