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How to save multiple outputs of a for loop and combining it into a matrix?

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Jonathan Weaver
Jonathan Weaver 2017년 12월 5일
편집: KL 2017년 12월 5일
So I am trying to make a matrix using a for loop and right now I have it generating row vectors. But my questions is how do I assign the row vectors and combine them at the end. The way I have the code written is weird so I can't use vertcat.
if true
% III. Use For loop to generate the followig matrix "A":
% col1: 0 0 ... 0 (25 zeros)
% col2: 1 1 ... 1 (25 ones)
% col3: 2 2 ... 2 (25 twos)
% col4: 3 3 ... 3 (25 threes)
% col5: 4 4 ... 4 (25 fours)
% col6: 5 5 ... 5 (25 fives)
% col7: 6 6 ... 6 (25 sixes)
% col8: 7 7 ... 7 (25 sevens)
% col9: 8 8 ... 8 (25 eights)
% col10: 9 9 ... 9 (25 nines)
for i=1:10

채택된 답변

KL 2017년 12월 5일
편집: KL 2017년 12월 5일
It's always better to pre-allocate,
A = zeros(25,10); %number of rows, number of columns
Then use indexing,
for colNo = 1:size(A,2)
A(:,colNo) = ... %your value here
As you can see, you index one column during every iteration of the for loop, not 1:10. To index all rows, I've mentioned simply a colon (:). Please read the link I've mentioned above.
Just so you know, easier alternative is,
A = repmat(0:9,25,1);

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