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Help using MatLab coder.

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Reynaldo 2012년 4월 21일
댓글: vcmorini 2017년 7월 19일
Hey! I am trying to use the MatLab coder but I keep getting the same error over and over again. No matter what changes I make, the same error keeps appearing. Here is the MatLabcode I am trying to convert to C++:
function [result] = test(x,h)
result =x+h;
This is a really easy code that the coder should be able to compile without any hesitation but still it is not able to make the conversion. I have declared the datatypes on the coder project window. I am using MatLab version R2011a. I have also configured my Visual Studio compiler with MatLab using mex -setup. This is the error I am getting (in the Target Build Log):
1 Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 x64 tools.
3 Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 10.00.30319.01
4 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
6 ### Compiling test.c
7 cl -DUSE_RTMODEL /Od /Oy- -DMODEL=test -DRT -DNUMST=1 -DTID01EQ=0 -DNCSTATES=0 -DMT=0 -DHAVESTDIO -c -DCRTAPI1=_cdecl -DCRTAPI2=_cdecl -nologo -GS -D_AMD64_=1 -DWIN64 -D_WIN64 -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -W4 -D_WINNT -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0500 -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x05000000 -D_WIN32_IE=0x0500 -DWINVER=0x0500 -D_MT -MT /wd4996 test.c
8 test.c
9 ### Compiling test_initialize.c
10 cl -DUSE_RTMODEL /Od /Oy- -DMODEL=test -DRT -DNUMST=1 -DTID01EQ=0 -DNCSTATES=0 -DMT=0 -DHAVESTDIO -c -DCRTAPI1=_cdecl -DCRTAPI2=_cdecl -nologo -GS -D_AMD64_=1 -DWIN64 -D_WIN64 -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -W4 -D_WINNT -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0500 -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x05000000 -D_WIN32_IE=0x0500 -DWINVER=0x0500 -D_MT -MT /wd4996 test_initialize.c
11 test_initialize.c
12 ### Compiling test_terminate.c
13 cl -DUSE_RTMODEL /Od /Oy- -DMODEL=test -DRT -DNUMST=1 -DTID01EQ=0 -DNCSTATES=0 -DMT=0 -DHAVESTDIO -c -DCRTAPI1=_cdecl -DCRTAPI2=_cdecl -nologo -GS -D_AMD64_=1 -DWIN64 -D_WIN64 -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -W4 -D_WINNT -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0500 -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x05000000 -D_WIN32_IE=0x0500 -DWINVER=0x0500 -D_MT -MT /wd4996 test_terminate.c
14 test_terminate.c
15 ### Compiling rt_nonfinite.c
16 cl -DUSE_RTMODEL /Od /Oy- -DMODEL=test -DRT -DNUMST=1 -DTID01EQ=0 -DNCSTATES=0 -DMT=0 -DHAVESTDIO -c -DCRTAPI1=_cdecl -DCRTAPI2=_cdecl -nologo -GS -D_AMD64_=1 -DWIN64 -D_WIN64 -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -W4 -D_WINNT -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0500 -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x05000000 -D_WIN32_IE=0x0500 -DWINVER=0x0500 -D_MT -MT /wd4996 rt_nonfinite.c
17 rt_nonfinite.c
18 ### Compiling rtGetNaN.c
19 cl -DUSE_RTMODEL /Od /Oy- -DMODEL=test -DRT -DNUMST=1 -DTID01EQ=0 -DNCSTATES=0 -DMT=0 -DHAVESTDIO -c -DCRTAPI1=_cdecl -DCRTAPI2=_cdecl -nologo -GS -D_AMD64_=1 -DWIN64 -D_WIN64 -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -W4 -D_WINNT -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0500 -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x05000000 -D_WIN32_IE=0x0500 -DWINVER=0x0500 -D_MT -MT /wd4996 rtGetNaN.c
20 rtGetNaN.c
21 ### Compiling rtGetInf.c
22 cl -DUSE_RTMODEL /Od /Oy- -DMODEL=test -DRT -DNUMST=1 -DTID01EQ=0 -DNCSTATES=0 -DMT=0 -DHAVESTDIO -c -DCRTAPI1=_cdecl -DCRTAPI2=_cdecl -nologo -GS -D_AMD64_=1 -DWIN64 -D_WIN64 -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -W4 -D_WINNT -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0500 -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x05000000 -D_WIN32_IE=0x0500 -DWINVER=0x0500 -D_MT -MT /wd4996 rtGetInf.c
23 rtGetInf.c
24 ### Linking ...
25 C:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2011a\sys\perl\win32\bin\perl C:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2011a\rtw\c\tools\mkvc_lnk.pl test.lnk test.obj test_initialize.obj test_terminate.obj rt_nonfinite.obj rtGetNaN.obj rtGetInf.obj
26 link /RELEASE /INCREMENTAL:NO /NOLOGO -subsystem:console,5.02 kernel32.lib ws2_32.lib mswsock.lib advapi32.lib libcpmt.lib @test.lnk @test_ref.rsp -out:C:\Users\Pixel\DOCUME~1\PRUEBA~2\test.exe
27 LIBCMT.lib(crt0.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol main referenced in function __tmainCRTStartup
28 C:\Users\Pixel\DOCUME~1\PRUEBA~2\test.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
29 NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\BIN\amd64\link.EXE"' : return code '0x460'
30 Stop.
31 The make command returned an error of 2
32 'An_error_occurred_during_the_call_to_make' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
33 operable program or batch file.
I hope I can find a solution to this problem. Thank you very much for your help!
  댓글 수: 1
vcmorini 2017년 7월 19일
I am having the same problem. MinGW compiles fine.

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

답변 (1개)

Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer 2012년 4월 21일
when compiling to an executable you need to provide a main function (a file containing
void main()
/* call the MATLAB coder code */
Don't have MATLAB available on this machine, but somewhere on the MATLAB coder settings you specify a file containing the main function ...


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