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serie fourier using matlab

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
nour yousfi
nour yousfi 2017년 10월 15일
편집: nour yousfi 2017년 10월 16일
hi; I want a fourier transform of a piecewise function using matlab . The function is defined as follows:
0.6+t/0.3*pi when 0 <t < 0.12*pi
1 when 0.12*pi <t < 1.08*pi
4.6-t/0.3*pi when 1.08*pi <t < 1.2*pi
0.6 when 1.2*pi <t <2*pi
any help will be appreciated
I tried to do that but I didn't found a good result
Matlab file: clear all syms t n T1=2*pi;
I1 = int((0.6+(t/0.3*pi)), t,0,0.12*pi); I2 = int(1, t,0.12*pi,1.08*pi); I3 = int((4.6-(t/0.3*pi)), t,1.08*pi,1.2*pi); I4 = int(0.6, t,1.2*pi,2*pi);
a0 = (1/T1)*(I1 + I2 + I3+I4); fourierSum = 0;
II1 = int((0.6+(t./0.3*pi))*cos((2*n*pi*t)/T1), t,0,0.12*pi); II2 = int((1)*cos((2*n*pi*t)/T1), t,0.12*pi,1.08*pi); II3 = int((4.6-(t./0.3*pi))*cos((2*n*pi*t)/T1), t,1.08*pi,1.2*pi); II4 = int((0.6)*cos((2*n*pi*t)/T1), t,1.2*pi,2*pi); III1 = int((0.6+(t./0.3*pi))*sin((2*n*pi*t)/T1), t,0,0.12*pi); III2 = int(sin((2*n*pi*t)/T1), t,0.12*pi,1.08*pi); III3 = int((4.6-(t./0.3*pi))*sin((2*n*pi*t)/T1), t,1.08*pi,1.2*pi); III4 = int((0.6)*sin((2*n*pi*t)/T1), t,1.2*pi,2*pi);
for k = 1:40 an = subs(II1 + II2 + II3+II4,n,k); bn = subs(III1 +III2+III3+III4,n,k); term = an*cos((2*k*pi*t)/T1); termm = bn*sin((2*k*pi*t)/T1); fourierSum = fourierSum+term+termm; fourierSum=(2/T1)*fourierSum; end
ezplot(vpa(a0+fourierSum,6), [0 10])
  댓글 수: 1
Karan Gill
Karan Gill 2017년 10월 16일
Please format your question and code.

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답변 (1개)

nour yousfi
nour yousfi 2017년 10월 15일
편집: nour yousfi 2017년 10월 15일
the result must be as it shown in the following picture


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