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How to fit piecewise linear

조회 수: 9 (최근 30일)
John 2017년 10월 10일
편집: John 2017년 10월 11일
The code below generates data similar to experimental data. However, the curve fit does not appear to locate the knot point. Any suggestions?
function bilinearfit
close all; clc;
% Random coeffs
al = -rand*20;
ah = rand/10;
bl = (rand-0.5)*20;
isxnrand = 1;
if isxnrand
xn = rand*8+2;
bh = xn * (al - ah) + bl;
bh = (rand-0.5)*20;
xn = (bh - bl) / (al - ah);
% Random data...
xdata = linspace(2,10,101);
blfit = @(coeff, x) ( x < coeff(1) ) .* (coeff(2) * x + coeff(3)) ...
+ (~( x < coeff(1) )) .* (coeff(4) * x + coeff(5));
coeffNoise = ((rand(1,5)-0.5)*2/100+1);
coeff0 = [xn al bl ah bh] .* coeffNoise;
ydata = blfit(coeff0, xdata);
dataNoise = (rand(size(ydata))-0.5)*2/100+1;
ydata = ydata .* dataNoise;
% F = @(B,xdata) min(B(1),B(2)+B(3)*xdata); %Form of the equation
F = @(coeff)(blfit(coeff,xdata));
IC = [1 1 1 1 1]; %Initial guess
LB = [min(xdata) -inf -inf -inf -inf];
UB = [max(xdata) inf inf inf inf];
B = lsqcurvefit( blfit,IC,xdata,ydata,LB,UB);
hold all;

채택된 답변

John 2017년 10월 11일
편집: John 2017년 10월 11일
The problem appears to be by using five unknowns the problem is ill posed. By using 4 unknowns, the calculated line fits the data. For completeness, the bootstrap method is used to estimate the 90% confidence range of the unknown parameters.
function bilinearfit
% given xn, yn
% x < xn
% y = al x + bl
% yn = al xn + bl
% bl = yn - al xn
% y = al x + yn - al xn
% y = al (x - xn) + yn
% x >= xn
% y = au x + bu
% yn = au xn + bu
% bu = yn - au xn
% y = au x + yn - au xn
% y = au (x - xn) + yn
close all; clc;
ntrys = 10; npoints = 30;
blfit = @(coeff, x) ( x < coeff(1) ) .* (coeff(3) * (x-coeff(1)) + coeff(2)) ...
+ (~( x < coeff(1) )) .* (coeff(4) * (x-coeff(1)) + coeff(2));
lsqOpts = optimset('Display','off');
for itry=1:ntrys
% Random coeffs
al = -rand*9-1; % Between -1 and -10
ah = (rand-0.5)*2/10; % Between -0.1 and 0.1
xn = rand*6+2; % Between 2 and 8
yn = rand+.2; % Between 0.2 and 1.2
% Random data...
xMeasValues = linspace(2,10,6);
indxMeasValues = randi([1 length(xMeasValues)],1,npoints);
xMeas = xMeasValues(indxMeasValues);
coeffNoise = ((rand(1,4)-0.5)*2/100+1);
coeffAct = [xn yn al ah];
coeffWNoise = coeffAct .* coeffNoise;
yTrue = blfit(coeffWNoise, xMeas);
dataNoise = ((rand(size(yTrue))-0.5)*2)*(30/100*max(yTrue));
yMeas = yTrue + dataNoise;
nBootStrap = 100;
percentBootStrap = 90;
nPointsBootStrap = floor(percentBootStrap/100*npoints);
coeffBootStrap = nan(nBootStrap,4);
for iBootStrap = 1:nBootStrap
indxMeasValues = randi([1 length(xMeas)],1,nPointsBootStrap);
selXMeas = xMeas(indxMeasValues);
selYMeas = yMeas(indxMeasValues);
IC = [(min(selXMeas)+max(selXMeas))/2 1 1 1]; %Initial guess
LB = [min(selXMeas) -inf -inf -inf];
UB = [max(selXMeas) inf inf inf];
coeffBootStrap(iBootStrap,:) = lsqcurvefit( blfit,IC,selXMeas,selYMeas,LB,UB,lsqOpts);
IC = [(min(xMeas)+max(xMeas))/2 1 1 1]; %Initial guess
LB = [min(xMeas) -inf -inf -inf];
UB = [max(xMeas) inf inf inf];
coeffEst = lsqcurvefit( blfit,IC,xMeas,yMeas,LB,UB,lsqOpts);
set(gcf,'position',[140.2000 66.6000 908.0000 695.2000]);
hold all;
xfit = [min(xMeas) coeffEst(1) max(xMeas)];
yfit = blfit(coeffEst,xfit);
plot(xfit, yfit, 'r-', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
plot(coeffEst(1), coeffEst(2), 'ro');
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y');
title(sprintf('Try %d: xn %.2f yn %.2f al %.3f au %.3f', ...
itry, coeffWNoise));
for ivar=1:4
case 1
varname = 'xn';
case 2
varname = 'yn';
case 3
varname = 'al';
case 4
varname = 'au';
prct = .9;
prctRng = [(1-prct)/2 1-(1-prct)/2;];
indxRng = [ceil(prctRng(1)*nBootStrap) floor(prctRng(2)*nBootStrap)];
sortCoeff = sort(coeffBootStrap(:,ivar));
mnBSCoeff = mean(coeffBootStrap(:,ivar));
rngBSCoeff = sortCoeff(indxRng);
% deltaBSCoeff = rngBSCoeff - mnBSCoeff;
titstr = sprintf('Actual %.3f mn %.3f %d%%: [%.3f, %.3f]', ...
coeffWNoise(ivar), mnBSCoeff, round(prct*100), rngBSCoeff);
ylabel('# Occur');

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