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Error in Performing Operation on a Sequence of png Images

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Haseeb Hassan
Haseeb Hassan 2017년 9월 5일
댓글: Cam Salzberger 2017년 9월 5일
fileFolder = fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','images','imdata','soccer'); dirOutput = dir(fullfile(fileFolder,'AT3_1m4_*.tif')); fileNames = {dirOutput.name}' numFrames = numel(fileNames) %% I = imread(fileNames{1}); sequence = zeros([size(I) numFrames],class(I)); sequence(:,:,1) = I; % for p = 2:numFrames sequence(:,:,p) = imread(fileNames{p}); end %% figure; for k = 1:numFrames imshow(sequence(:,:,k)); title(sprintf('Original Image # %d',k)); pause(1) end
I have the above code, it works well when reading tif images, but i need this to work on png images, everything i changed accordingly but can;t show the png images.
  댓글 수: 1
Cam Salzberger
Cam Salzberger 2017년 9월 5일
What is the error message, and at what line does the error occur? And can you reformat your question to use the "Code" block to make it easier to read the code?

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