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how to get vector from x and y coordinates ?

조회 수: 21 (최근 30일)
azkya novia
azkya novia 2017년 9월 1일
댓글: Image Analyst 2017년 9월 2일
i have points from minutiae represented as x and y coordinates for termination(end point) and biffurcation(cross section point), for example bifurcation points are :
x: 70 163 167 145 179 142
y : 70 100 20 40 30 20
i set those points as a variable called BifPoint, and try to set them as input for neuron in neural network as data training from 100 images. how to have those coordinates x and y points as vectors so that i can use the vectors as input in neural network for training and then classify them?

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017년 9월 2일
To make your x and y into vectors by using valid MATLAB syntax, Replace : with =[ and then close with a right bracket:
x = [70 163 167 145 179 142];
y = [70 100 20 40 30 20];
  댓글 수: 7
azkya novia
azkya novia 2017년 9월 2일
Dear image analyst, so what is the right code or way to assigning number point from x and y coordinates that i already have to the plane 3-D array? should i let the input vector into 2-D array and change the plane to be 2-D array ? i dont have any idea and not yet understand enough, please kindly give me your suggestions.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017년 9월 2일
So why declare it at 1-d (1-by-180) and then access it with two indexes? target(:,1:18) means "all rows and columns 1 through 18" but there is only one row because you declared target as zeros(1, 180).
Anyway, you need to look at the function where you intend to send this vector or matrix and see what it expects, and send it that. I don't know neural networks or your particular function so I can't help with that.

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