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mex : return c struct member value to matlab struct member

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
James 2012년 3월 25일
I understand that in order to pass the matlab struct(and return), these are the steps to follow:
1)Do an iteration through matlab struct to copy to my C struct.
2)Make a copy of the matlab struct (for llhs, since we cant change anything of prhs)
3)run the c subroutine
4)after running the c subroutine, the changes made to the C struct members are copied to the new matlab struct(created in step2)
I have done steps 1-3 using the phonebook example, but I have no idea how to copy the value from the modified C struct back to the matlab struct. I have tried the function below but it does not make changes:
Let's say my C struct is as below:
typedef struct{ double a; double b; }mycstruct_type
my mex function: void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] ) {
..copy prhs matlab struct to c struct
..make a copy of prhs to plhs[0]
/*this section below try to make changes in c struct to matlab struct */
mxArray *mat_a = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL);
double *ptr;
the dummyCfunction will make changes to mycstruct.a and I want this changes to be reflected back at the matlab struct field (a) in plhs[0]. How do I do that?

답변 (2개)

James 2012년 3월 26일
Hmm not sure why the answer got deleted. Thanks Friedrich, I managed to solve with your suggestion.

Ping 2013년 4월 17일
I have the same problem to solve. Can you re-post the answer?


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