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Improve vectorization without using for loops

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Joel Möllering
Joel Möllering 2017년 3월 27일
편집: Jan 2017년 3월 27일
I'm going crazy over a problem that I have, and it's just about improving performance in a part of a code I have here: the goal is to calculate the velocity vector for each pixel in two consecutive images.
The basic code I wrote is this one: (hope is understandable, if not ask me)
% im1, im2 - two consecutive images with the same size
% N - pixels neighbourhood (2*N+1) x (2*N+1)
function [ L ] = my_ctOpticFlux( im1, im2, N )
[height, width] = size(im1);
% Spatiotemporal gradients of the images
% Ix, Iy, It have the same size as im1, im2
[Ix, Iy, It] = my_gradients_xyt(im1, im2);
% List L with
% [x y vx vy] in each line
% (x,y) pixel location; (vx,vy) velocity components in (x,y)
L = zeros((width-2*N)*(height-2*N), 4);
n = 1;
% For each image pixel, (Px,Py), ... (no border pixels)
for Px = 1+N:height-N
for Py = 1+N:width-N
% determine the neighbourhood of the current pixel in (x,y)
% and take the correspondent values of the gradients
xlims = Px-N:Px+N; ylims = Py-N:Py+N;
ix = Ix(xlims, ylims);
iy = Iy(xlims, ylims);
it = It(xlims, ylims);
% ... obtain the matrixs A,b for that pixel neighbourhood;
A = [ix(:), iy(:)];
b = -it(:);
% ... compute velocities vector v for that neighbourhood center;
v = (pinv(A)*b)';
% Save results on L
L(n,:) = [Px Py v(1) v(2)];
n = n + 1;
A little modification:
% Calculate the limits of computable image on x and y
regionlims = [(1+N) (height-N) (1+N) (width-N)];
[x, y] = meshgrid(regionlims(1):regionlims(2),regionlims(3):regionlims(4));
x = x(:); y = y(:);
Any help on this? I tried to use meshgrids, but no luck.
EDIT1: Some typo in the code.

답변 (1개)

Jan 2017년 3월 27일
편집: Jan 2017년 3월 27일
Indexing is faster, when you insert the generator of the vector:
ix = Ix(Px-N:Px+N, Py-N:Py+N, t);
iy = Iy(Px-N:Px+N, Py-N:Py+N, t);
it = It(Px-N:Px+N, Py-N:Py+N, t);
Now search the bottleneck of the code using the profiler. I guess it is pinv, but it might be my_gradients_xyt also. In the first case, I do not see a chance to accelerate this beside parfor, in the 2nd case posting the code of my_gradients_xyt would help.
  댓글 수: 1
Joel Möllering
Joel Möllering 2017년 3월 27일
Even doing the same thing three times? Instead of doing one time and use the result 3x later?

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