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could anyone guide me how to make roc curve from the trained model , i know their is perfcurve function for it but i don't have any score values return by the classifiers. am unable to use this function. so any other way?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
if true
% code
Label: ''
Description: ''
ClassLabels: [91x1 double]
GroundTruth: [23450x1 double]
NumberOfObservations: 23450
ControlClasses: [90x1 double]
TargetClasses: 1
ValidationCounter: 1
SampleDistribution: [23450x1 double]
ErrorDistribution: [23450x1 double]
SampleDistributionByClass: [91x1 double]
ErrorDistributionByClass: [91x1 double]
CountingMatrix: [92x91 double]
CorrectRate: 0.9986
ErrorRate: 0.0014
LastCorrectRate: 0.9986
LastErrorRate: 0.0014
InconclusiveRate: 0
ClassifiedRate: 1
Sensitivity: 1
Specificity: 0.9993
PositivePredictiveValue: 0.5789
NegativePredictiveValue: 1
PositiveLikelihood: 1.4643e+03
NegativeLikelihood: 0
Prevalence: 9.3817e-04
DiagnosticTable: [2x2 double]

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