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How to reduce large Computational time

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Navdeep Sony
Navdeep Sony 2017년 3월 11일
댓글: Navdeep Sony 2017년 3월 13일
Please find the code attached below. Also please find three .mat files that have been attached. The problem is that the code takes very long time to execute. Kindly help what can be done to reduce time. Thanks.
parfor ii=1:size(tem4,2)
%Normalize the dictionary
for index=1:size(dictionary,2)
% plotv(dictionary);
% hold on
% plotv(s);
while(t>1e-15 && sum(dictionary(:)~=0))%Process while (Eucledian norm > 10^-15)
inner_product=dictionary'*r; %Dot Product
% inner_product=dot(dictionary,r');
index=[index ind];
atoms(:,ind)=dictionary(:,ind); %Select atom which has maximum inner product
% plotv(r);
% hold on

채택된 답변

Jan 2017년 3월 12일
편집: Jan 2017년 3월 12일
function final = testfcn
% data1 = load('E'); % Not used
data2 = load('R');
data3 = load('P');
% tem1 = data1.tem1;
tem2 = data2.tem2;
tem4 = data3.tem4;
sparse = zeros(14596, 2209);
final = zeros(144, 2209, 'uint8');
% Normalize the dictionary - outside the ii loop:
D = zeros(size(tem2));
for index = 1:size(D, 2)
D(:,index) = tem2(:,index) ./ norm(tem2(:,index));
% v = dictionary(:, index);
% dictionary(:,index) = v ./ sqrt(v' * v); % Not exactly the same!!!
warning('OFF', 'MATLAB:nearlySingularMatrix');
parfor ii = 1:15 % size(tem4,2)
t = 5;
s = tem4(:, ii);
r = s;
atoms = zeros(size(D));
coefs = zeros(size(D, 2),1);
dictionary = D;
index = [];
while t > 1e-15 && any(dictionary(:))
% inner_product = dictionary' * r; % Dot Product
% [m, ind] = max(abs(inner_product));
ind = GetMaxIndex(r, dictionary);
index = [index, ind]; % Ugly: growing vector!
atoms(:, ind) = dictionary(:, ind); % Select maximum atom
dictionary(:, ind) = 0;
x = (atoms(:, index).' * atoms(:, index)) \ (atoms(:, index).' * r);
r = r - atoms(:, index) * x;
% v = atoms(:, index); % Not exactly the same!!!
% x = (v.' * v) \ (v.' * r);
% r = r - v * x;
t = norm(r);
coefs(index) = x; % Outside the loop
sparse(:,ii) = coefs;
sig = D * coefs;
final(:, ii) = (((max(s)) - min(s)) / (max(sig) - min(sig))) * ...
(sig - min(sig)) + min(s);
warning('ON', 'MATLAB:nearlySingularMatrix');
And GetMaxIndex is a C-mex function:
// Author: Jan Simon 2017, License: CC BY-SA 3.0
#include "mex.h"
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
// GetMaxIndex(r, dict)
// [~, ind] = max(abs(dict' * r));
double *r, *dict; // Inputs
size_t nr, ndict;
double *rEnd, *s, dot, maxValue; // Working
size_t i, maxIndex;
r = mxGetPr(prhs[0]); // Obtain inputs
nr = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[0]);
rEnd = r + nr;
dict = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
ndict = mxGetN(prhs[1]);
maxValue = 0; // Calculation
maxIndex = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ndict; i++) {
dot = 0.0; // Dot product
for (s = r; s < rEnd; dot += *s++ * *dict++) ; // empty loop
dot = fabs(dot);
if (dot > maxValue) { // Remember maximum index
maxValue = dot;
maxIndex = i;
plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleScalar((double) (maxIndex + 1));
Please note the 2 comments "Not exactly the same!!!". I've commented the sections out, although they are faster and differ in the magnitude of eps() only in the resutls. But this changes the output final already, which means, that your algorithm is instable: The result depends on tiny rounding effects. Does this satisfy your needs?
For the first 15 iterations for ii this needs 10.8 sec instead of 31.18 sec - R2016b/64/Win7 without Parallel Computing Toolbox. The full problem will need 150 times longer divided by the number of cores.
  댓글 수: 1
Navdeep Sony
Navdeep Sony 2017년 3월 13일
Thanks Jan. Your suggestions are really helpful though I have not tried mex files but surely will now.

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

추가 답변 (1개)

Jan 2017년 3월 11일
편집: Jan 2017년 3월 12일
  • Start with replacing the inefficient sum(dictionary(:)~=0) to:
while(t>1e-15 && any(dictionary(:)))
This works, if dictionary does not contain negative values. Is this assumption correct? This saves 60% processing time in my R2016b/64/Core2Duo without Parallel Computing Toolbox.
  • Slightly faster for the normalization:
for index = 1:size(dictionary, 2)
v = dictionary(:, index);
dictionary(:, index) = v ./ sqrt(v' * v);
To my surprise this changes the result, although the changes in the variable dictionary are in the maginitude of eps()! This means, that your algorithm is instable. Keep care.
Most of all the normalization can be moved before the loop instead of calculating it repeatedly.
  • Create "final" with the correct type, if you store uint8 values in it:
final = zeros(144, 2209, 'uint8');
  • But now inspect the loop:
while t > 1e-15 && any(dictionary(:)) % Process while norm > 1e-15
inner_product = r' * dictionary; % Dot Product
[m, ind] = max(abs(inner_product));
index = [index, ind];
atoms(:, ind) = dictionary(:, ind); % Select maximum atom
dictionary(:, ind) = 0;
v = atoms(:, index);
x = (v' * v) \ (v' * r); % Abbreviated, further 10% faster
coefs(index) = x;
r = r - v * x;
t = norm(r);
The bottleneck is the dot product. About 50% of the columns are set to 0 in average, such that the code might be twice as fast, when these columns are ignored in the search of the maximum. This can be done in a C-Mex function easily. But do you have a C-compiler installed?
  • Move "coefs(index) = x;" behind the loop, because only the last value matters.
[EDITED] It is less efficient than I thought to ignore the columns set to 0 before. I post my final version in a second answer to increase the readability.


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