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Fminunc : trust-region fails on supplying gradient

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Tushar Shinde
Tushar Shinde 2017년 2월 3일
편집: Matt J 2017년 2월 5일
I am trying to implement logistic regression. Whenever I use a default Quasi-Newton algorithm with fminunc (exitflag and output on), it works fine (it looks fine, because f(x) value and first_order_optimality values are changing over the iterations). But when I supply the gradient and use 'trust-region' instead, it is giving exitflag 2 and f(x) value and first_order_optimality values are being constant over all the iterations. I tried changing initial points. Here's my function
load ../../data/train.txt
x_train = train(:,1:57);
x_train = [x_train ones(250,1)];
y_train = train(:,58);
% Scaling y = -1 data to y = 0
for index = 1:250
if (y_train(index) == -1)
y_train(index) = 0;
%initializing out learning parameters (57 features + 1 bias term) with all
w_initial = rand(58,1);
% Case - 1 : We will use 100% training data in first case
percent = 1;
r = percent * 250;
x_train = x_train(1:r,:);
y_train = y_train(1:r,:);
cost = calculateCost(w, x_train, y_train);
fprintf('Initial calculated cost = %f', cost);
options = optimoptions(@fminunc, 'Display','iter', 'Algorithm','trust-region', 'GradObj', 'on', 'MaxFunEvals', 100000, 'MaxIter', 5000);
[w, optcost exitflag output] = fminunc(@(x)(calculateCost(x, x_train, y_train)), w_initial, options)
And here's my cost function where I am also supplying the gradient...
function [cost, gradient] = calculateCost(w, x_train, y_train)
%calculating dimensions of training set
[examples, feat_bias] = size(x_train);
%defining our logistic/sigmoid function based hypothesis
h = logistic(y_train .* (x_train * w));
%cost is MLE of our hypothesis function
cost = -(sum(log(h)));
%supplying gradient for more efficient trust-region usage
gradient = zeros(feat_bias, 1);
if nargout > 1
for i = 1:examples
gradient = gradient + (h(i) - y_train(i)) * x_train(i,:)' ;
function [logi] = logistic(a)
logi = 1./(1 + exp(-a));
I think I am supplying the gradient correctly (as per the documentation given).
Here's the console output:
f(x): 138.263 over all the 13 iterations!!
first ord opt : 47.1 over all the 13 iterations!!
exitflag = 2
iterations: 13
funcCount: 14
cgiterations: 29
firstorderopt: 47.1413
algorithm: 'trust-region'
message: 'Local minimum possible.
Local minimum possible.
I know the answer trust-region has found is incorrect (because it is not same as that of quasi-newton's).
I am not getting the it.. Why isn't it working?

답변 (1개)

Matt J
Matt J 2017년 2월 3일
Did you use the 'DerivativeCheck' or 'CheckGradient' option to verify your gradient calculation?
The gradient calculation does look wrong to me. The derivative of log(h) should involve,
h'/h= exp(-a)/(1+exp(-a))
  댓글 수: 3
Tushar Shinde
Tushar Shinde 2017년 2월 3일
편집: Tushar Shinde 2017년 2월 3일
But I have double checked the method for calculating the gradient for logistic regression:
summation_over_all_training_examples(sigmoid(Zi - Yi)*Xi)
where Zi = Yi(Theta' * X)
Matt J
Matt J 2017년 2월 5일
편집: Matt J 2017년 2월 5일
Even if that expression for the gradient is correct, in what way does it resemble your code?
(h(i) - y_train(i)) * x_train(i,:)'

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