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How to pass data between GUI and different .m file

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Pinky Incognito
Pinky Incognito 2011년 3월 11일
I have a GUI that allow the user to choose one of filtering type from the popup menu.
The popup menu program is written in different .m file.
In only one of the selection, what should happen are:
-one message box should popup that says the user should key-in the parameter inside the box below.
-the appropriate box that I set to be not visible should be visible when the selection is being choose.
Then, when the user have key-in the parameter that is needed and click the pushbutton to do the filtering, the result should be plotted.
My problem is that I want to do the function inside the popup menu .m file but I can't access the data that is being key-in inside the GUI. I've tried using this codes but it didn't work:
if get(handles.cwt_apply,'Value')
switch get(handles.cwt_menu,'Value')
case 1
for i=1:length(datain(:,1))
dataout = cwt(datain(i,:),scale,'cmor1-1.5');
case 2
for i=1:length(datain(:,1))
dataout = cwt(datain(i,:),scale,'morl');
case 3
for i=1:length(datain(:,1))
dataout = cwt(datain(i,:),scale,'haar');
The error is Undefined variable "handles" or class "handles.cwt_apply".
Though I've manage to make the box visible, but the codes is written in the main GUI program. Does this affect the passing of data? The message box is also written in the main GUI program. This is the codes:
if get(handles.filter_menu,'Value') == 10;
h = msgbox('For CWT, please choose appropriate parameter inside the box below');
set(handles.cwt_scale,'Visible', 'on');
Besides that, the message box has a red line graph that suppose to be plotted on the appropriate axes. I can't seem to make it disappear.
Thanks in advance for the help..

채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011년 3월 11일
We need to see the code for the popup.m file, in particular the 'function' header or the place you are initializing handles. And we need to see the code near the place that would invoke popup.m
  댓글 수: 5
Pinky Incognito
Pinky Incognito 2011년 3월 12일
Sorry for my mistakes. I've tried but it still have some error..
Did i miss anything again? The error now are:
??? Undefined variable "handles" or class "handles.cwt_apply".
Error in ==> filtering at 102
if get(handles.cwt_apply,'Value')
Error in ==> GUI>signal_filtering_btn_Callback at 1144
handles.zoomdata = filtering(handles.filter_menu,
Thanks a lot in helping me..
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011년 3월 12일
Did you add
handles = guidata(hObject);
as the first line of the routine, right after the 'function' statement ?

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추가 답변 (3개)

Jason Kaeding
Jason Kaeding 2011년 3월 11일
Use the guidata() function.
You would tag a callback to each control. Depending on the control, it would either read the guidata or write to the guidata (to update the current state).
Typically I use a struct in my guidata to store the different information.
To me, it sounds like you need to make the handles of the items in the GUI part of the guidata.

Pinky Incognito
Pinky Incognito 2011년 3월 11일
Thanks Walter Roberson,
I'm still new with MATLAB, so I don't really understand what is the function header. I'm using the "guide" to built my GUI.
Basically when the user choose any type of filtering, the result will straight away be plotted on the axes.
Only for this one case in the popupmenu, the message will be prompt and the visibility of the parameter boxes will be "on".
After that, when the user key-in the parameter, click the pushbutton in the panel, the result will be plotted on the axes.
The codes in the main GUI for the popupmenu is this:
handles.zoomdata = filtering(handles.zoomdata,get(handles.filter_menu,'Value'));
*the popupmenu .m file name is filtering
the header for the popupmenu .m file is
function [dataout] = filtering(datain, type)
then, I used switch for each popup menu selection and place the function of filtering inside it.
I don't think I have initializing the handles at all.
Sorry for my ignorance with MATLAB and if what I wrote does not giving the information that you want.

Pinky Incognito
Pinky Incognito 2011년 3월 11일
Thanks Jason Kaeding for the answer.
But can you tell me how to do it.
Seriously, I don't even know how to write the codes. I only know how to do the GUI using guide and do the simple callbacks.
Sorry for troubling you.I really appreciate your help.


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