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A mesh function question

조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
Saurabh Sakpal
Saurabh Sakpal 2016년 4월 6일
답변: Walter Roberson 2016년 4월 7일
I am creating a mesh from a 3d volume of a brain.
I am using the iso2mesh program.
One function has this input used to create volume to mesh +v2m(img,isovalues,opt,maxvol,method)
What do isovalues, opt and maxvol mean?
What values do i put in there? I am confused. The output looks weird.

답변 (1개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016년 4월 7일
function [node,elem,face]=v2m(img,isovalues,opt,maxvol,method)
inputs and outputs are similar to those defined in vol2mesh
function [node,elem,face,regions]=vol2mesh(img,ix,iy,iz,opt,maxvol,dofix,method,isovalues)
convert a binary (or multi-valued) volume to tetrahedral mesh
img: a volumetric binary image
ix,iy,iz: subvolume selection indices in x,y,z directions
opt: as defined in vol2surf.m
maxvol: target maximum tetrahedral elem volume
when method='cgalmesh', maxvol can specify the target
for each label (subregion index) by the following syntax
dofix: 1: perform mesh validation&repair, 0: skip repairing
method: 'cgalsurf' or omit: use CGAL surface mesher
'simplify': use binsurface and then simplify
'cgalmesh': use CGAL 3.5 3D mesher for direct mesh generation [new]
generally speaking, 'cgalmesh' is the most robust path
if you want to product meshes from binary or multi-region
volumes, however, its limitations include 1) only accept
uint8 volume, and 2) can not extract meshes from gray-scale
volumes. If ones goal is to process a gray-scale volume,
he/she should use the 'cgalsurf' option. 'simplify' approach
is not recommended unless other options has failed.
isovalues: a list of isovalues where the levelset is defined


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