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Bessel function of the first kind

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Richard Atacador
Richard Atacador 2016년 3월 26일
편집: Jolanda Müller 2021년 3월 26일
My problem is to write a program which calculates a Bessel function of the first kind using the formula:
Jn+1(x) + Jn1(x) = (2n/x)*Jn(x)
This is to be computed enough times to attain all Jn(x) values up to n = 20. What we know is that x = 1, J0 = 0.76519768655796655145 and J1 = 0.44005058574493351596.
The code I have has a bug which I am unable to figure out. Instead of J20 ~ zero, half way through the iterations the value of Jn(x) begins increasing.
a = 0.76519768655796655145;
b = 0.44005058574493351596;
for n = 1:20
c = abs(2*b*n - a);
temp = b;
part = c;
a = temp;
b = part;
I cannot see what is wrong with the code, so I would appreciate any help.

답변 (3개)

Torsten 2016년 3월 29일
For an explanation, google "Bessel's maze" and take the first hit.
Best wishes

Ced 2016년 3월 26일
interesting question, thanks.
The short answer is: there is (almost) nothing wrong with the code, except the abs, which I don't think should be there.
The reason for the divergence however is numerical.
1) Your initial values, despite having a high precision, are not precise enough.
2) after a few iterations, even with precise initial values, you run into numerical problems.
This code will let you see how the values evolve:
N_max = 20;
bessel_val = zeros(N_max+1,1);
bessel_val_real = zeros(N_max+1,1);
bessel_val(1) = besselj(0,1); %0.76519768655796655145;
bessel_val(2) = besselj(1,1); %0.44005058574493351596;
bessel_val_real(1) = besselj(0,1);
bessel_val_real(2) = besselj(1,1);
for n = 2:N_max
bessel_val(n+1) = (2*(n-1)*bessel_val(n) - bessel_val(n-1));
bessel_val_real(n+1) = 2*(n-1)*besselj(n-1,1) - besselj(n-2,1);
fprintf('recursive, naive: J%i(1) = %14.10g\n',n,bessel_val(n+1))
fprintf('recursive, true: J%i(1) = %14.10g\n',n,bessel_val_real(n+1))
Here, the "naive" version computes the recursion using only the original J0 and J1 values. The "true" version computes the recursion for a single step, i.e. starting with the actual function values returned by the matlab implementation.
PS: Part of the output of the code above:
recursive, naive: J2(1) = 0.1149034849
recursive, true: J2(1) = 0.1149034849
recursive, naive: J3(1) = 0.01956335398
recursive, true: J3(1) = 0.01956335398
recursive, naive: J4(1) = 0.002476638964
recursive, true: J4(1) = 0.002476638964
recursive, naive: J5(1) = 0.0002497577302
recursive, true: J5(1) = 0.0002497577302
recursive, naive: J6(1) = 2.093833802e-05 % <-- error becomes visible
recursive, true: J6(1) = 2.0938338e-05
recursive, naive: J7(1) = 1.502326053e-06
recursive, true: J7(1) = 1.502325817e-06
recursive, naive: J8(1) = 9.422672065e-08
recursive, true: J8(1) = 9.422344173e-08
recursive, naive: J9(1) = 5.301477313e-09
recursive, true: J9(1) = 5.24925018e-09
recursive, naive: J10(1) = 1.19987098e-09
recursive, true: J10(1) = 2.630615124e-10
  댓글 수: 1
Richard Atacador
Richard Atacador 2016년 3월 26일
Thank you very much Ced!
Given your insight I am definitely motivated to reconstruct my code to this problem with more thought and consideration.
I appreciate your time invested to help me out.

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

Jolanda Müller
Jolanda Müller 2021년 3월 26일
편집: Jolanda Müller 2021년 3월 26일
The issue is numerical, as already explained in Ced's answer. A solution to your problem is to start with precise values for the biggest desired N, and work your way backwards. This way, the relative error, stays below 10^-13 if for all nmax <= 142. [Sidenote: bessel(142,1) = 6.6430*10^-289 is the biggest n, for which the return value is non-zero. For nmax bigger than 142, besselj(>142,1) returns a true 0, thus breaking the possibility of getting the values for smaller n through backward recursion.]
nmax = 142;
bessel_val = zeros(nmax+1,1);
bessel_val(nmax) = besselj(nmax-1,1);
bessel_val(nmax-1) = besselj(nmax-2,1);
for n = flip(1:nmax-2)
bessel_val(n) = 2*(n)*bessel_val(n+1) - bessel_val(n+2) ;
relative_error = zeros(1,nmax);
for n = 1:nmax
comp = bessel_val(n+1);
realb = besselj(n,1);
diff = comp-realb;


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