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How can I display matrix with column labels only? (i.e. no row labels)

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Hi there
I have a 1300x23 matrix and I want to label CERTAIN columns only (and not rows as well). I'm facing 2 challenges: 1. how to do it? 2. how to do it taking into account that I don't want to label all columns (and, those columns that I want to label aren't consecutive, so I can't use x:y) and I don't want to write the code for every single column that I want to label (which I have the hunch that implies writing a for loop in the end)
Many thanks in advance

채택된 답변

the cyclist
the cyclist 2016년 3월 20일
Here is one way:
x = magic(5);
header = {'Col 1','','Col 3','',''};
xForDisplay = [header; num2cell(x)];
  댓글 수: 5
Bianca Elena Ivanof
Bianca Elena Ivanof 2016년 3월 20일
yep, now everything's clear. num2cell sounded familiar but when i read about cell arrays i didn't quite understand what the function was doing in practice - everything's clear to me now.
thank you
the cyclist
the cyclist 2016년 3월 20일
You're welcome. The best form of thanks is to upvote and/or accept an answer, which rewards the contributor and can point future users to useful answers.

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