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I want to know how to apply boundary limits for the equation . I want to optimize the Bead Volume using genetic algorithm code

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
I want to submit my project within 2 days please send the code Bead volume = 0.5+0.016x1+0.14x2-0.077x3+0.030x4-0.00075x1x2-0.00325x1x3+0.035x1x4+0.11x2x3+0.034x2x4-0.022x3x4-0.063x12-0.13x22+0.00455x32-0.028x42
1µsx1151 µs,
6Hz1x222 Hz,
  댓글 수: 2
Torsten 2016년 2월 15일
You have three equations and limits for the independent variables, but nobody knows what you are supposed to do ...
Best wishes
dada khalendar
dada khalendar 2016년 2월 19일
편집: dada khalendar 2016년 2월 19일
Thank you, I want to optimize the Bead Volume using Genetic algorithm

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