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How do I perform cumulative adding of data by month and then plot it by year?

조회 수: 8 (최근 30일)
I have data in a 8500x3 matrix - columns being year, month, day of each earthquake (all are in numerical representation - e.g. 1985 01 23). The data is in chronological order, with oldest first. As the number of earthquakes varies per day, the number of rows dedicated to each day/month/year changes.
I need to make a plot of cumulative number of earthquakes per month. I know I have to assign a one to every earthquake, but my problem comes in the cumulative adding. How do I add the data from one month in a given year to the next month? The problem arises due to the changing year as well.
Example of data:
[1985 01 01; 1985 01 12; 1985 01 14; 1985 01 25; 1985 03 02; 1985 06 16; 1985 06 18; 1985 11 09; 1986 01 01; 1986 01 30] ...
I hope I explained this easily.
Thanks, Gareth

채택된 답변

Star Strider
Star Strider 2016년 2월 11일
I don’t understand your Question and your ‘desired output’. This accumulates the total number in each month, and then the cumulative sum:
Seism = [1985 01 01; 1985 01 12; 1985 01 14; 1985 01 25; 1985 03 02; 1985 06 16; 1985 06 18; 1985 11 09; 1986 01 01; 1986 01 30];
SeismDN = datenum([Seism(:, 1:2) ones(size(Seism,1),1) zeros(size(Seism,1),3)]);
[SeismU,~,Idx] = unique(SeismDN,'stable');
SeisHist = accumarray(Idx,1);
Result = [str2num(datestr(SeismU, 'yyyy mm')) cumsum(SeisHist)]
Result =
1985 1 4
1985 3 5
1985 6 7
1985 11 8
1986 1 10
  댓글 수: 9
Gareth Maver
Gareth Maver 2016년 2월 12일
Basically there is another column with earthquake magnitude values in it - ranging from 2.0 up to about 5.0. How would I code to only count the earthquakes above value 3.0 for the cumulative sum?
Star Strider
Star Strider 2016년 2월 12일
This is how I would edit the original date and magnitude matrix:
datenms = datenum(bsxfun(@plus, [1985 01 01], [zeros(20,1) [1:20]' zeros(20,1)])); % Create Dates
Data = [datenms rand(20,1)*3.3+2]; % All Dates & Magnitudes
Data3 = Data(Data(:,2) > 3,:); % Select Magnitude > 3
If you wanted only the dates, in this example you would select ‘Data3(:,1)’.

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