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Why doesn't csvread work?

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Markus Lindblom
Markus Lindblom 2015년 12월 7일
댓글: Markus Lindblom 2015년 12월 8일
In my cd X:\TMMV17\Post I have a text file by name "Wall_fric_1212.txt". I have previously been able to run a csvread as follows:
However csvread has suddenly started to output the following:
"Error using csvread (line 34) File not found."
I have tried "rehash path", "rehash" and "addpath 'X:\TMMV17\Post'". I have tried
I have also tried renaming files, moving files etc. No luck. If I run
What could the problem be? Thank you in advance for your help. Regards Lindblom Markus
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Markus Lindblom
Markus Lindblom 2015년 12월 8일
편집: Markus Lindblom 2015년 12월 8일
Sorry that has accidentally been added while posting. However the output of which has now suddenly changed to "\\ad.liu.se\home\marli379\TMMV17\Post\Wall_fric_1212.txt". I've tried adding said path as well but without luck.
Markus Lindblom
Markus Lindblom 2015년 12월 8일
The problem has been solved temporarily by using Matlab 2012 instead of Matlab 2014. So if anyone has the same problem this might help you momentarily.

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답변 (2개)

Guillaume 2015년 12월 8일
Note that playing around with matlab path (using rehash, or addpath, or ...) is not going to help in any way with your problem. The matlab path only help matlabs finding m files, not text files which need to be either in the current directory (change with cd) or referred by their full path.
It looks like your X: drive is a mapping to a network folder. Possibly, the mapping (done by the OS, nothing to do with matlab) has been lost. In any case, you can use the UNC to refer to your file, so:
csvread('\\ad.liu.se\home\marli379\TMMV17\Post\Wall_fric_1212.txt', 5)
  댓글 수: 1
Markus Lindblom
Markus Lindblom 2015년 12월 8일
Thank you for your answer. However said approach does not work. It says "File not found/does not exist" or alike.

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Jan 2015년 12월 8일
Use absolute file names in every case:
csvread('X:\TMMV17\Post\Wall_fric_1212.txt', 5)
callbacks of GUIs oder TIMERs can change the current folder during the processing, so never rely on relative path names.
  댓글 수: 1
Markus Lindblom
Markus Lindblom 2015년 12월 8일
Thank you for your answer. However said approach does not work. It says "File not found/does not exist" or alike.

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