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Index exceeds matrix dimensions

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Nagham Kabbara
Nagham Kabbara 2015년 11월 15일
댓글: Nagham Kabbara 2015년 11월 16일
Please find below my code:
readdata=cellfun(@num2str, readdata, 'UniformOutput', false);
for k=1:nr
if strcmp(readdata(k,7),'1')==1
xlswrite('cylinders record.xls','1','Record',range)
if strcmp(readdata(k,8),'1')==1
xlswrite('cylinders record.xls','1','Record',range)
the problem is that i'm getting an error msg that the index exceeds the matrix even though i am making the loop knowing the size of the matrix!!!!
please note that the 7th and 8th column of readdata are of logical format (checkboxes)!!
i would like to add that when no checkbox is checked i don't face this problem, it only occur when a checkbox is checked
  댓글 수: 5
Nagham Kabbara
Nagham Kabbara 2015년 11월 16일
the error happens for k=nr-1.
i am converting the num to str because i am unable to read them as numbers (the 0 and 1 are equivalent to false and true, result of checking and unchecking the checkboxes)
Nagham Kabbara
Nagham Kabbara 2015년 11월 16일
i found the problem guys!!!!!
everytime a '1' is found the row is deleted and the array changes of size.
thank you all for your help

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