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vector control flow direction of a synchronous motor with permanent magnets.

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
said belhadj
said belhadj 2015년 11월 11일
마감: Sabin 2023년 1월 11일
Hello, I'm looking for help to run my model in Simulink matlab 2009.
I work on vector control flow direction of a synchronous motor with permanent magnets.
here is my model is as follows: I fed via a PMSM (02) voltages vd vq, from a park transformation (will, vb, vc) these three voltages from a voltage inverter controlled by mli sine triangle .
The vector control of PMSM provides: So I set the Id = 0 via a Pi then I recovered the vd_ref1, and then the decoupling, I recovered vd_ref.
I regulates the speed via a Pi then I recovered the iq_ref then I injected via a pi and I recovered the vq_ref1,
After decoupling, I had the vq_ref.
So through PARK-1, I got the va_ref, vb_ref, vc_ref. this is the control of modulating the inverter.
The signals of the carrier is fixed (in the Simulink library; the carrier is fixed).
By simulating the results obtained are mediocre: the couple and the id, iq have significant undulations. I hope you give precisions. Thank you.
Best regards. Saidb76.

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