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Hi... a image is there .. how to select some particular amount non zero coefficients ?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
vishnu 2012년 1월 5일
마감: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021년 8월 20일
for examble 2568256 ....i want to take (256*256)/4 coefficients .. is thresholding is the method for this .. if thresholding is the method to do this whether we have to set manually value to select upper thershold?
if pixelvalue >150
this concept will work it out?
  댓글 수: 3
vishnu 2012년 1월 5일
function [B,T] = MinimaxAT(I)
% I: input image
% B: thresholded image
% T: Threshold surface
% implements a line search
Iterations = 1000; % increase if it is inadequate
epsilon=1e-7; % for termination condition, decrease if it is inadequate
pow=1; % although 1 is a pretty good value,
% you may need to play with this parameter, pow takes POSITIVE real values
I = double(I);
% linearly map I to the range [0, 1]
I(:) = (I-min(I(:)))/(max(abs(I(:)))-min(I(:)));
% display I
figure(1),imagesc(I),colormap(gray);axis image; drawnow;
[h,w] = size(I);
rowC = 1:h; rowN = [1 1:h-1]; rowS = [2:h h];
colC = 1:w; colE = [1 1:w-1]; colW = [2:w w];
Ix = (I(rowC,colW) - I(rowC,colE))/2; Ix(:,1) = 0; Ix(:,end) = 0;
Iy = (I(rowS,colC) - I(rowN,colC))/2; Iy(1,:) = 0; Iy(end,:) = 0;
% [Ix,Iy] = gradient(I);
g = (Ix.^2+Iy.^2).^(pow/2);
g(:) = g/max(g(:));
% initialize threhold surface
Tx = T;
Ty = T;
for n=1:Iterations,
% compute alpha
Tx(:) = (T(rowC,colW) - T(rowC,colE))/2; Tx(:,1) = 0; Tx(:,end) = 0;
Ty(:) = (T(rowS,colC) - T(rowN,colC))/2; Ty(1,:) = 0; Ty(end,:) = 0;
% [Tx,Ty] = gradient(T);
en1 = 0.5*sum(sum(g.*(T-I).^2));
en2 = 0.5*sum(sum(Tx.^2+Ty.^2));
alpha = en2/sqrt(en1^2+en2^2);
% line search
delT(:) = sqrt(1-alpha^2)*g.*(I-T) + alpha*(T(rowC,colW)+T(rowC,colE)+T(rowN,colC)+T(rowS,colC)-4*T);
delTx(:) = (delT(rowC,colW) - delT(rowC,colE))/2; delTx(:,1) = 0; delTx(:,end) = 0;
delTy(:) = (delT(rowS,colC) - delT(rowN,colC))/2; delTy(1,:) = 0; delTy(end,:) = 0;
% [delTx,delTy] = gradient(delT);
e2 = sqrt(1-alpha^2)*sum(sum(g.*(I-T).*delT)) - alpha*sum(sum(Tx.*delTx + Ty.*delTy));
e3 = sqrt(1-alpha^2)*sum(sum(g.*delT.*delT)) + alpha*sum(sum(delTx.*delTx + delTy.*delTy));
% delt should at least be 0.25
% minimize a quadratic expression: e1 - delt*e2 + 0.5*delt*delt*e3, see
% the journal paper
delt = max(0.25,e2/e3);
T(:) = T+delt*delT;
% show
figure(2),imagesc(I>T),colormap(gray);axis image;
title(['Iteration: ' num2str(n) ' alpha: ' num2str(alpha)]);
if abs(old_alpha-alpha)<=epsilon,
B = I>T;
% figure(3),imagesc(T),colormap(gray);axis image;
how can i use this code .. error coming
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2012년 1월 5일
I have no idea what coefficients you're talking about, despite this poorly commented code.

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